To late to flower outside? Will revert back to veg?


Active Member
Hi Guys, had a couple plants that I started indoor and put into flower on the 15th of March....Ran out of room in the tent and decided to move out on the patio. They went through first two weeks 12/12 inside and have been outside for another week. I am in Cali and when I looked at the daylight hours chart it looks like I am 12:30 hours. When I track it myself I want to say sun rises around 6:30 and sets around 7:30 (13 hours light 11 dark). Plants are flowering now but days are getting longer and I am hoping they finish here around May 10th ish.

Wondering if I should rig up something to cover them up and stick to 12/12 or if they will be ok with above light schedule.


Well-Known Member
If they were a couple more weeks in you could leave them out and be fine but I think only being 2 weeks in your are looking at a reveg situation. I have several plants out now (in Cali) that will be done by June and more that will go out after those are harvested.