to high forgot to ph!


Well-Known Member
dont know what to do was high yesturday and didnt ph the water. what to do now? leaves are curling under a little, should i flush it with ph water or just wait to feed them on friday??

i feed them every 3 days.


What are you growing in; is this a soil-less/hydroponic grow or soil?

I grow my cannabis in soil, and I never alter the pH of my fertigation water. Sometimes I check the run-off, just to ensure that it is alright. Tomatoes I am growing in coco coir, only amendments being worm castings, dolomite lime and liquid fertilizers but nothing else to adjust pH.
Certainly it depends on your medium and your methods, but it might not matter all that much.


Well-Known Member
flush them ASAP with ph'd water if they are showing symptoms of ph being off, but if they are normal, jsut check the ph and wait till feed


Well-Known Member
If ya got the time, I'd flush 'em, just to be safe. Plants always like a nice clean medium, so, it'd still be an improvement, even if the PH happened to okay. :)


Well-Known Member
dont know what to do was high yesturday and didnt ph the water. what to do now? leaves are curling under a little, should i flush it with ph water or just wait to feed them on friday??

i feed them every 3 days.
Don't feel too bad, when I was young like 14 and just started smoking, I used to get so baked and forget to breathe!


Well-Known Member
the leaves are curling upwards slightly everything looks great except for some leaves have yellow tips and the slight curl. nothing extreme everything still looks pretty much healthy. the light is about 10 or ll inches from the tallest plant. do you think ineed to raise the light like maybe thats the problem??

thanks much


Well-Known Member
If ya got the time, I'd flush 'em, just to be safe. Plants always like a nice clean medium, so, it'd still be an improvement, even if the PH happened to okay. :)
so your saying to flush them today with phd water? and not feed tommorow or shoudl i just feed tommorw what woulld you do

appreciate the help!


Well-Known Member
Seeing as you really don't know what the pH of the soil is, I'd wait till the next watering and test runoff. Then flush if needed. Then again, flushes don't always help either. My pH is at 7.2 (soil) and i'm well into flowering. Flushed the other day with water pH'd to 6.5 and my soil pH didn't budge. I will definately buffer my soil next time around to help keep it stable.

I am a total newb, so i'd probably wait for better advice, although mine makes sense to me. lol Good luck.