To Grow or not to Grow


Active Member
Soo, here is my umm hypothetical question:

Say you have a house and just moved to a new place. You are thinking of keeping your old house to grow in, but are a bit worried about being busted.
This house is large enough to grow many a plant, ie, trying to produce say 2 pounds a month. You have the customer base to support such a endevor but wonder about costs and risks. Also this house is in a pro-conservative state, like say Utah.
What would be the risks (and costs) vs. gains of this business investment?


New Member
Utah? The risks are HUGE!

If you do it, you'll have to keep up the appearance of still living there. Keep the yard up, continue having the mail delivered there, park overnight in the driveway, etc.

Do you have an extra bedroom where you are moving to?


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Having an entire house dedicated to growing can be a wonderful and rewarding experience that many people fantasize about yet few people get to experience.

1. Do you have nosey neighbors
2. Do you have the funds to do it "right"?
3. Can you grow on at this scale and still be comfortable and relaxed in your day to day life? This is KEY!

To be cont.



Active Member
1- House is actually a condo, neighbors are pretty quite.
2 - I do have the fundage, unless its way expensive.
3 - As for if I feel comfortable, I believe in freedom, so I believe in the rights to grow. But I'm a realist and know that our looser gov't doesn't believe in our rights. Thats where the worry comes in. Judges and cops are so brainwashed they don't give a shit about the people.

I would worry about the gov't trying to seize my house too. I suppose it would be more feasible to rent a storage locker...


New Member
I know someone, who knew a friend of mine who knew this woman who grew in a spare bedroom in her apartment. The grow room shared a wall with the ajoining apartment. She had a setup that was unbelivable. She would grow 25 plants and harvest around six pounds per cycle. Everything was state of the art and expensive to set up. I think the total cost of the setup was somewherr around $6,000.00 US. But the result was, No noise, no smell, no light problems and no heat problems. Everything was over-kill. But, she had a very profitable time growing her herbs.
