To grow or not to grow....that is the question!


Well-Known Member
Craic lads,

Big shout out from Ireland , been a long long time since I posted here....jesus nearly 6 years since my last grow....So I've got the bug again I actually haven't smoked that much lately , mainly because the weed over here is shite unless you know someone solid who buys it....or....there's the other option. I started growing 3 Ak Passian autoflowers in the garden a week and a half ago when the weather was good , thought we might have a decent summer and they could be hidden out the back....GF spotted them and wasn't so keen plus they aren't doing the best i suggested using the garage, we have a large garage at the back of the garden with loooaaads of space in it I just needed to run a power line in which I did....and I bought a grow tent , a 400 watt HPS light , extract system , fan , carbon filter, leads , timers all the usual...I also bought another feminised Notorious white seed (Silver haze x bubblegum) because with this set up I can grow 4 and I love me some haze...

Uh...Then the guilt hit me , I had to travel down the country for work which is where i'm typing this and my set up is still sitting in my hall in boxes and I'm half thinking of returning the whole thing...On one hand I love growing , I love having my own bit of QUALITY smoke in the winter and 4 plants would last me months before I'd go again , a lot of great games to chill out over xmas and that...

BUT there's a risk , the garage is secure and the carbon filter will stop the smell but i'm unsure exactly how stupid/nosy my neighbours are. There's ventalation in the wall so I can cover the window with furniture etc one half is full of it anyway so it won't look odd and the tent can be fully zipped etc etc but it only takes one noisy fucker to do ya and wonder why your going out there with soil or what not.

Its' risk vs reward and I'm torn don't know if it's worth risking being caught...son....job....possibly girlfriend....then again it's only 4 plants doubt they'd lock me in the slammer....

sorry for the rant....advise me stoned ones!


Well-Known Member
Either find time to grow, or find a 'trusty' partner, you have the gear, the seeds, but no time in the 'zone' get or find a partner that can look after the grow whilst you are gone, in return for 25% or 33% of the grow, you may tell those concerned you have hired him as a Gardner or painter etc etc???


Well-Known Member
Hey man,

No time isn't the issue I have time to look after the grow myself , it's the worry of the grow being discovered that has me backtracking , it's odd this is the best set up I've ever had (even though I haven't assembled it yet) but I spent on it for really good equipment , I've done three grows before and never used a carbon filter and it was fine , now I have one and I'm more nervous???


Well-Known Member
If it doesn't feel right don't grow. However there is something to be said for having your own stoneable supply. You've got the same set up as I do only my tent is in the main bathroom and I don't use a carbon filter. I had a card but it expired and no cash for an exam and a new card so I'm illegal but consequences are different here. And i live in a manufactured home so no nosy neighbors.


Well-Known Member
That's it , in one way I'd prefer to be inside the house with space because transfering equipment is easier on the other hand the garage is a fantastic spot with loads of space, ventalation and out of sight beyond my two neighbours. I recently built a new back garden so it's not unusal for me to be out there all the time between the garden and the shed and once I have everything set up I won't be seen going in and out and nobody will be able to see where the set up is in there from any angle, plus I'm on good terms with everyone around me I don't think they'd do anything unless they actually saw me standing there with plants...

Fuck it...this is happening I'm too far invested and want my winter smoke....ak passion/notorious white get ready to fuck me up...after give you care and love of course..


Well-Known Member
Hey Irish,

What kind of world are we in when a person can't even visit their own garage without inviting suspicion? Your setup is obviously secure in that someone would have to break in & unzip your grow tent to be sure of whats going on...this sounds ideal for small growers. If you have negative history with your neighbours or with the police then that's another issue. If not then just act normal...who gives a shit its only 4 plants for your personal medicinal needs...much better that buying crap from dealers!

You mentioned the garage being really big...if you have some cash you can maybe turn it into a fitness or pool room, anything that would give you an excuse or start growing tomatoes & chillies! also you could consider taking the grow tent in your home if there's room...perhaps sell your HPS & vent system & invest in LED which requires less equipment because of its cool working temperatures. In any case I hope you don't have to postpone your love affair with mary j simply because of a twat of a neighbour :) Good luck buddy


Well-Known Member
Haha thanks , I can't bring it inside because I've no space, children do that to it's the garage I won't be building a fitness or pool room I just want a small area in one corner that I can have my little slice of heaven in, is that so much for a man to asl...a little bud he can grow for himself...


Well-Known Member
is that so much for a man to asl...a little bud he can grow for himself...
No sir it's not too much to ask, oh mercy please how can it be too much to ask! but you could swap & put the kids in the garage instead...only kidding :)