To go HPS or not?? Help! pics later today


Well-Known Member
Hey I started flowering 4 days ago in a closet on the porch, and I have 1 plant under 625watts of CFL's
3x105watts on top
2x105watts on side
4x23watts on side

My question is...I have a 430w Son Agro HPS inside...should I move her in here under that light for a few hours a day randomly when i'm able too, or would that light be too intense? and would that cause too much stress changing the environment like that when it isn't scheduled?? The temp would basically be about the same. Please let me know what yall think! i'll post some pics later!


Well-Known Member
It heats up half my place and uses a lot of we have ppl coming over too often...any thoughts if it would be beneficial to put it in there a couple hours a day if that?? or will this cause to much stress??


Well-Known Member
maybe you shouldn't be growing if you don't have a place to do it secretly.
You actually use less power with the HPS while putting out more lumens.
625 watts of cfl's produce roughly 43,478 lumens.
a 400 watt HPS puts out 55,000 lumens.


Well-Known Member
i use my storage closet typically which has been working fine...but the HPS gets too hot in there, thats the main reason i use the CFL's...I already have the HPS though inside and I obviously want the biggest yield i can get, so besides all the other factors does anyone think it would be better to move it indoors a few hours a day?? or just leave it be outside under the CFL's?? Thanks for the input guys


Well-Known Member
Just a few hours a day would help if it were suffering from lack of light, which i'm sure it isn't at the moment. I'd say keep ur setup in the storage and work on gettin the temps down in there with the light on. I had the same prob with my 400 watter, so I got a prtable ac unit and fans blowing on the ballast(since mine is inside the hood) now the temps are great


Well-Known Member
I'll stand by the HPS.... I did the cfl grow... my buds at 2 weeks under an HPS looked better then 9 weeks on cfl.... so you don't save any money at all with cfl really.....
and as too heat.. you got the ballist in with your lights??? that thing heats up like crazy..... try to drill a whole and pull it outta the room... a buddy of mine made his all stealth.. he drill wholes outta the top of his grow box for the ballist, mounted a tool box on top.. and mounted the ballist in the tool box... keeps it outta sight outta mind, and no heat....

Big P

Well-Known Member
dude all you have to do get some better ventiation buy a fan,

having an hps goes had in hand with ventlating the heat properly

then if you get another hps in there you will want to get more ventilation,

shouldnt be too hard to vent for a 250WATT

i have seen 2 600watters in a 5'x5' closet with temp around 80deg F


Well-Known Member
the dimensions of the closet are 5'x18"x9' ceilings...and the HPS has a built in ballast which kinda sucks...but I wouldn't be able to ventilate the closet any which is the whole problem, the best I can do is leave the door cracked w/ the CFL's and it keeps the temp about 80F...i guess a few hours of HPS a day are better then nothing though right?


Well-Known Member
I had the same prob! i ended up sayin screw crackin the door and takin the door totally off when i got the ac.


Well-Known Member
haha i wish i could do the same...but ppl may wonder why it looks like the sun inside a tiny storage room..i think ill move it under the HPS for 3-4 hours a day, which would mean i would have HPS supplement for 25-33% of the day...