To germ. or not to germ.???


Well-Known Member
i always germinate my seeds first using the wet paper towl method and zip lock bag..

i was just curious about who here germs them first and who just puts the seed straight in..and why?

i germ mine first so i can see that forsure if i got actual germination or not

i dont want to plant mine straight and not know if it germd or not untill i see a seedling..

i think that straight planting is a guessing game on germination..

you sit a wounder wheater or not if they sprouted..

but that is just me...

for those who do direct seeding do you feel that it is more beneficial to do that?

if so why??cuz if their are benefits to it i do not know what they are and i would like to know cuz i would more then likely start doing direct seeding....

but if not and yall do just to do it then i`ll just stick with my paper towl method..

im just looking for a little info thats all...i know people do it both ways.......:peace:
supposedly, you stress out the young plant if you use the paper towel method, which might cause a male or hermie.

having said that, iv had no problems with it, and always use pt first, same reason u do, i can see if it getminated first!
supposedly, you stress out the young plant if you use the paper towel method, which might cause a male or hermie.

having said that, iv had no problems with it, and always use pt first, same reason u do, i can see if it getminated first!

how would it be that you could possibly get herms just from what germ method you use..????

i have never heard that..

im not saying that you are wrong or anything that is just a new one to me....:peace:
youve never heard of it cuz its not true. lol. I go right in the soil, less messing around, but other than that it doesnt really matter, both are fine.
dudes, check it up on stressing out plants. u cant get hermies without a feminized seed, so if ur using regular, ur fine. but there is still the risk of males.

i dont post bs.


oh yeah, its from translanting it so early, hence the stress.
dudes, check it up on stressing out plants. u cant get hermies without a feminized seed, so if ur using regular, ur fine. but there is still the risk of males.

i dont post bs.


oh yeah, its from translanting it so early, hence the stress.
the hermie gene can be present in both *parents* and be reccesive so neither will show it. so yeah you can........are you still trying to say hermies can be caused by germination or any other stress other than light stress? cuz if you are then yeah, you do post bs.
meh, i give up.

what i was trying to say was that stress causes hermies. but generally you dont get hermies except from feminized plants, unless you can prove me wrong?

transplanting plants causes stress, wether its as a really really young seedling, or as a fuck off fully vegged plant.

im not saying the paper towel method causes hermies,males or stress. im saying transplanting can cause stress.

i think ive said what i meant now, but hey, 2mro ill probly be like, wtf was that about.
what i was trying to say was that stress causes hermies.

that is absolutely right, BUT only light stress can make a female plant hermie if its not a genetic hermie, or very very close to harvest, or you apply one of the chemicals people use to grow balls on true female plants to make feminized seeds. You can ask anyone here and they will tell you the same.