To flush or not to flush

do you flush veggies or fruit , even hydro veggies are not flushed that I know of , never seen the point its a waste of good water, even growing in coco I never flush, this subject comes every week - is there a sticky thread on this - thought there was
I've always flushed for the fear of tasting chemicals, I thought it was a standard procedure with growers.

I've not given this any thought until recently but sometimes I'll cut a low branch or two and hang them in the tent 3/4 days and it's smokeable, it's not prime bud but it isn't remotely chemically or bitter etc so I've no problems accepting flushing is a waste of time.
I've flushed for 10/12 days then been disappointed with the end product I'm now wondering if it played a part in the disappoint? it has happened a couple of times and the weed did have a lovely smell when growing?
If you use coco, than flushing for almost 2 weeks is hurting the plant. Coco has no nutrients in itself(only the chemicals you feed them) and the buds will grow the most and put on the most weight in those last 2 weeks. Now why would ANYONE starve a plant during the most important time of it's life? In fact, anyone that is serious about coco feeds it 2 to 3 times a day(even more) at a lower dosage of nutrients. Truthfully, coco should never be flushed for that and the fact that it can build up salts in the root systems if constantly flooded with water just for the fun of it. As for the idea itself, organics have no reason to be flushed. It's all natural. I don't grow that way but don't see large numbers of organic growers say they nees to flush. I guess that leaves hydro and regular store bought soils that need to be fad after the first 3-5 weeks. Either way, i don't believe you can force the plant to push out something in it's system by starving and flooding it with water. Just like a piss test, you can delute the THC by drinking gallons of water, but it leaves the body when it's ready, not based on the fact that you think you drank enough water XD
I know you guys are a bunch of hippies. I lived there for bit. This girl I knew took my friend and I to the river when we visited her in the Nevada City/Grass Valley area. It was a part of the river where all the hippies were naked, and smoking weed. I kept my clothes on, but smoked their weed, lol.
Sounds about right!
The never ending flushing debate. Well here is some actual lab testing and blind taste tests. ***spoiler*** Flushing doesn't do anything but make your leaves turn ugly.

  • Rx Green Technologies evaluated the effects of different flushing times on chemical profile, flavor, and smoking characteristics in Cannabis flower.
  • Flushing periods of 14, 10, 7 and 0 days were imposed on Cherry Diesel.
  • No differences were detected between flush treatments for yield, potency, or terpenes.
  • Analysis of mineral content of leaves indicated small changes in content of iron and zinc.
  • Taste test panelists tended to prefer flower flushed for 0 days.

Here is the full article going over the various testing and the procedures. Well worth the read.

No need to flush and flushing is a myth.

The idea that salts in your nutrient solution that are in your growth medium somehow make their way into your flowers in their elemental form is ludicrous. The only thing comprising the flowers of the plant are the complex biochemicals it has created from the ionic forms of nutrients it has taken into it's roots.

If it doesn't need them it doesn't uptake them and they stay in the medium. Flushing just deprives your plants of nutrients during possibly the most critical period of their swelling and fattening phase of development.

Proper curing is what determines whether you have a good product or not.
Flushing was invented for 2 reasons. 1 for companies to make $$$ from flushing products and 2 for "flushers" to seperate themselves as having better product than "non flushers". No different than money being invented to seperate and control between those that have more than they need and those that have less than they need. Trump has BILLIONS of $$$ and makes up stupid words like Hamburderger. I dont3 make much at all, maybe $19k last year outside of taxes, but i got some pretry damn good common sense. Flushing is just like the soil or hydro or hps or led argument. Would Batman be Batman if there were no Joker???? Think of that friends. That what "flushing" is just something to make one set of growers more important or better than others based on word of mouth and not even facts since every single piece of flushed and non flushed weed isn't sampled by every person in the wold for a vote.
Ones man's flush is another man's toilet,
One man's soil is another's house.
A best strain for one could be sheer agony for another...
Whilst the point in question is both sharp and's only a waste of valuable water to some, to be sure. Anyway.....
How many nutrients does a weed really need anyway......
You hellbent connoisseurs will always strive for better 'cross the pond anyway....
We're all only alchemists really, anyway...
Enjoy, anyway!
Flushing was invented for 2 reasons. 1 for companies to make $$$ from flushing products and 2 for "flushers" to seperate themselves as having better product than "non flushers". No different than money being invented to seperate and control between those that have more than they need and those that have less than they need. Trump has BILLIONS of $$$ and makes up stupid words like Hamburderger. I dont3 make much at all, maybe $19k last year outside of taxes, but i got some pretry damn good common sense. Flushing is just like the soil or hydro or hps or led argument. Would Batman be Batman if there were no Joker???? Think of that friends. That what "flushing" is just something to make one set of growers more important or better than others based on word of mouth and not even facts since every single piece of flushed and non flushed weed isn't sampled by every person in the wold for a vote.
Trump isn't worth billions though, he'd be lucky enough to claim himself in the millionaires club given all of the many things he has squandered ... 3 casinos, an airline, a mortgage company, a magazine, a 'university', steaks ... water. Oh and democracy.
Trump isn't worth billions though, he'd be lucky enough to claim himself in the millionaires club given all of the many things he has squandered ... 3 casinos, an airline, a mortgage company, a magazine, a 'university', steaks ... water. Oh and democracy.
I'm just saying that normally money vs not money makes people supposedly better in life. I dont think anyone is better than me bases on money alone, but that was the point of money. Fake seperation of peoples.
Flushing is noithing but a myth. First you can't remove anything from the plant, what you ARE doing is starving your plant to death right when it needs the nutrients most. And has no one ever noticed that a plant that's had a 1o day flush, still has nice green buds??? The plant knows its dying so it's biological imperative is to feed her buds at any cost........ so tell me where the nutrients go?

Any that other myths that goes with this, black ash and popping buds. Black ash? didn't dry and cure the buds properly. Popping is NOT caused by too mg Mg in the buds, try lighting 40 ppms of Mg on fire......... the popping is caused by mites, etc, when they get heated by the burning weed, the water in them turns to steam and they explode.

There have been two recent scientific studies showing flushing is a waste of time. Commercial ops will still do it because they don't have to spend money for 2 weeks more food.
I'm just saying that normally money vs not money makes people supposedly better in life. I dont think anyone is better than me bases on money alone, but that was the point of money. Fake seperation of peoples.
For years I did security at a large yearly agricultural fair. Funny thing was most had no idea of the people they were looking at. Half the ones in the fancy parties were in rented tuxedos. Then you go downstairs and see a guy walking around in overalls covered in cow shit. Half the folks dressed up had nothing while the guy downstairs in the overalls was worth millions. Money doesn't make anyone a better person, actions do.
For years I did security at a large yearly agricultural fair. Funny thing was most had no idea of the people they were looking at. Half the ones in the fancy parties were in rented tuxedos. Then you go downstairs and see a guy walking around in overalls covered in cow shit. Half the folks dressed up had nothing while the guy downstairs in the overalls was worth millions. Money doesn't make anyone a better person, actions do.
For sure.