to flush...or not to flush ,the 11th hour(last day)!!


Well-Known Member
Wont get an answer, well youll actually get two :P
Plenty of people flush others dont.

Each say its based on their experience.
:/ sorry sir ive been searching high and low and still dont know

From what i understand Chloryphll mainly makes the smoke harsh
If you flush your plant it eats itself thus taking out all the chloryphll and the smokes smoother
however you can feed until the end and have chloryphll and then cure well and it should be smooth.

Up to you, maybe do one of each?
Please post what ever you do though :D!

Oh and good to have another monkey ;)


Well-Known Member
im not gonna flush per se, im just gonna water plain water for 2 waterings and cure for a couple weeks

Phillip J Fry

Active Member
i normally flush. One thing is for sure a good cure makes all the difference in the world when it comes to smell and taste.