To Flush or Not To Flush That Is the Question?


Well i got you to open it with the little douche bag tag line. lol. Anyways I am growing some of Sannies wears. KO Kush, Jack Berry, and the Anestisia. Now I have them under a 150 for veg which is right at 6 weeks. The Ko started showing Mag deficences and it is the biggest tallest plant. So I have them in net pots in my ez cloner. I put a progation plug with grow rocks around it. I use the FloraDuo A, B. I had bought the cal, mag. Floralisious and maxicrop dry. I used some ZYM and Root enhancer also. Now the first res was fine. ppm dropping and the water level. now i had dumped the res and mix everything up but i don't feel that i mix the maxicrop as fine as it could have. This is when my mag problem showed up on the KO. So i did a epsom salt spray. So i took the net pots and used only water for a day then took them dunked them in water and squeezed out what i could safely do. then i mix the floraduo a and b, no calmag this time for the simple fact that the base nutes have plenty of cal, so that means all i need from it was the mag. i just cut it out and put the salt in its place. a little zym. 1/4 strength and poured it through the medium and now am watering as of today with the 1/4. i am noticing a little bit of tacoing of the leaves. mag deficence i think. and that is the epsom salt. i think i had lockout. my ppm wouldn't go down at all over a week. water did but not nutes. i think i didn't mix the maxicrop good enough and maybe did something. so do you guys think i'm on the right track with my actions from what you hear anyways. i have a camera but they don't turn out the greatest but i will try and do it since its day now and see if i can get them better. am i doing the right thing by pulling the calmag since i have floraduo with it in there. do you think the not mixing the maxicrop did the lockout or am i running my ppm to high. let me know what you think. i will post something after i get home later. see if i can get them through till the end. thanks from the uk.


To Flush or Not To Flush That Is the Question?[/h]
Well i got you to open it with the little douche bag tag line. lol........ <<<<<< Really? I don't help children learn to grow..... enjoy your nute lock


yes hydro it is. i will be moving to my ebb and flow. the ez cloner was only used in this way to veg that is with the prop plugs in the net pots. it will get the net pots cut to make it able to take the neoprene inserts for the clones. i just didn't want to use the big ass table to veg till they took up a little more room. i have a couple of pictures here. i did a ppm check and it seems since i did the flush with the water then the 1/4 strength nutes. i believe that i may ( fingers crossed ) have fixed the nute lock. i only say this cause before today since i did my last nute mix up i didn't get the ppm to drop nothing over a week. now i get a ppm drop overnite now. 250 ppm water to start with. 10 gal res in the cloner. i had alot of water to replace today like gallon. the first pick with the mag deficiency is my biggest ko and the new growth looks good. i used the epsom instead of the calmag. now the plant that looks the smallest of the second picure is a jackberry and it an a ko look like that. they seem stunted they grow but not like the others. the two i am talking about have this odd texture too. the last picture is what the other 15 look like mostly. all and dude that won't help cause he can't take a joke. suck it. by the looks of your post number your not the one i need to answer shit. so you got me. i won't be able to do this without you. i better get you a ticket to the uk or we won't ever be able to grow skunk anymore. u with help to offer or just want to chime in feel free and i hope this helped if you did need to see things for yourself. thanks UK



well i thank you for asking. i don't know if the light is too close. there are two of the 19 that seem to keep taking on height but the leaves no shit feel like velvet. odd. now i do notice a couple to be getting a little taco leaf going. i don't believe it to be from mag deficiency because i have heard them to do this with the light too close also. now the light is roughly 7 inches away from the tops. it is a veg light a 150. not that it couldn't be used for flowering just that i use it for a veg light. don't need any over sensitive growers getting upset cause i said that a veg light is a 150. anyway. if you read this and have seen anything like the two velvet revolvers i got then please tell me what you beleive it to be. thanks for reading


not too much going on with this but i know had i found it i would have been able to use it so i think that in itself is worth posting still. anyway after the 1/4 strength for a few day i took and added some black label root enhancer and the next day like at the least a half inch growth with the roots. florescent white. nice. so i thougt it time to step it up. the formula as follows. 10 gal. black label zym, root enhancer. calmag, superthrive, flouralicious and then the base nutes. floraduo a and b. since some of the thing in the addite side of this i went with the mild formula on the feed chart. that being 5 ml and gal. of floraduo a and b. calmag for instance adds a one to the npk for calcium. so by going mild these things shouldn't matter about watching for a overdose. not that i don't have to watch. the addatives where ran almost at full strength. i just did this. i left out the maxicrop powder and will use as a foliage spray once a week. the water sat out overnight and then the ppm starts out at 230. after the mix i came in at 790. i was seeing bad yellow on the older leaves and starting on others coming down the spins. canoeing. i uped the humidty to 50's from the 20's. i will chime in once i see what this does. i hope i don't hurt them but i dont think i ran it too hard. thanks for checking in and i hope i help.