To Flower or Not to flower, That is my question?


Well-Known Member
Here my problem. I'm still new to growing. This is my second grow, but i completly screwed my first one up and thank god i found this site because this grow is doing great. I'm going to be using the same light setup for flowering, its a mix of warms and cool whites.
6x 42w
6x 26w
4x 23w
Can i let them get bigger and flower with the same light or should i flower now because of the light.
Heres a couple of pics and theres a link to my journal in my sig.
first pic is from today second pics a good look at my light setup.



Active Member
I asked a very similar question once, the only response I got was "you can flower whenever you want to"
So I vegged about a month and a half and started flower then.
I am also on a cfl , floro setup.
I'm growing a sativa strain though so I didn't want to wind up with 8 foot tall plants.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, but how big of a plant can i really get with this light setup. Thats what im really tring to figure out. Like if anyone has had a setup like mine.


Well-Known Member
if you're not going to get any additional lighting i recommend you flower soon. They will triple in size and it will take more light to cover them. Also you should have those lights MUCH closer. you should be able to put them within 2 inches of those bulbs if you have good air movement. After a 2nd look at your pics....your going to want more lights to flower all those. but thats the good thing about CFL's you can add them as you need them.
They look healthy though, way to grow!

Fallen Buckshot

nice homemade cfl setup there i agree needs to be closer and if you have the space... space them out and have them kind of ontop/between the plants also what color bulbs using? blue 6500k or red 2700k ?
blue are for veg and red are more for flowering stage


Active Member
I would say yes! I am on my first indoor grow and 8 weeks into flower. And oh boy did I get a suprise! I flowered at 6-8 inches and ended up with 4' tall girls. Not that I am complaining but if space is an issue start now! I guess that would also depend on the strain and its genetics? But be careful if space is a concern. I ended up tearin apart my whole closet! LMAO. Good luck and looking good! BTW I found a real cheap 150w hps at 30 bucks w shipping.


Well-Known Member
first get more flowering bulbs.. yes flowering can be done at anytime but usuall rule of thumb is 10-12" for inddoor op's. but they will stretch 3x so take that into consid. i go 15-16 sometimes. increase yield a little bit


Well-Known Member
Yea If height is an issue I would flower early... I flowered in 2 weeks and she was about 5 to 6", 4 weeks later into flower phase she is about 16 1/2" and looking nice:weed:


Well-Known Member
you should transplant before flowering to reduce stress. the plants look good my man, fix what ever you want/can and flower away

Yea If height is an issue I would flower early... I flowered in 2 weeks and she was about 5 to 6", 4 weeks later into flower phase she is about 16 1/2" and looking nice:weed:
tone, are you saying you flowered 2 weeks into veg? if so im wish i had time to flower my 3 week old plant now. im going on vacation for a week and need to hide her before i go. im just afraid she will be too tall by the time i come back to keep in the house

how tall did yours end up? r u flowering still? i was wondering if you might end up with skimpy little buds, but its your baby, getting anything for free (minus the electric bill) is great


Well-Known Member
see theres another problem i dont have the room for bigger pot till i weed out the males. anyone have any ideas

Fallen Buckshot

what size pots you using ? any thing over a 2 gal isnt recommended for cramped space as they will get biiiig depending on strain


Well-Known Member
There 8in pots you get at wal-mart. Also can anyone tell me what strain because im not sure all i know is that its mom was a good smoke. Theres close ups in my grow journal. Links in my sig.

Fallen Buckshot

i would guess indica so they will prolly bush out more than grow up


Well-Known Member
you should transplant before flowering to reduce stress. the plants look good my man, fix what ever you want/can and flower away

tone, are you saying you flowered 2 weeks into veg? if so im wish i had time to flower my 3 week old plant now. im going on vacation for a week and need to hide her before i go. im just afraid she will be too tall by the time i come back to keep in the house

how tall did yours end up? r u flowering still? i was wondering if you might end up with skimpy little buds, but its your baby, getting anything for free (minus the electric bill) is great
Well it is gonna deff affect your yield but I just dont have that kind of room for vegging longer than that(its bagseed but she will still end up 25 inches or even more if I would have vegged for 1 month or longer)... and yes she is still in flower 3 1\2weeks looking good at 16 1/2" but she had more potential..dont know how much she will yield but deff not as much ass if I had vegged for a month or longer

