To feed or not to feed. That is my question

No. Ink bird set 70/75*F at the moment. Tent temp drops huge when opening it up (garage is like 30-50*F day depending
They are on sale on Amazon, but they aren't on super flash sale like they were last week anyways if you do end up putting a heater in there use low power and point it away from the plants at full power you'll fry that inkbird.
They are on sale on Amazon, but they aren't on super flash sale like they were last week anyways if you do end up putting a heater in there use low power and point it away from the plants at full power you'll fry that inkbird.
I'd set it for like 78-82 personally I'd run 82 but you can always start lower and inch em up. Sorry I didn't catch that you had one, I'm always editing my post for spelling mistakes lol.
They are on sale on Amazon, but they aren't on super flash sale like they were last week anyways if you do end up putting a heater in there use low power and point it away from the plants at full power you'll fry that inkbird.
Yeah it’s just a little 200watt MyHeat or whatever. Would have a bigger unit plugged directly to outlet and Hope it has a thermostat on it already.
I keep my temps where they’re at for now cause I feel making it hit the 80s*F makes heater stay on too long I want it to run as little a possible for many reasons
Yeah it’s just a little 200watt MyHeat or whatever. Would have a bigger unit plugged directly to outlet and Hope it has a thermostat on it already.
I keep my temps where they’re at for now cause I feel making it hit the 80s*F makes heater stay on too long I want it to run as little a possible for many reasons
A heater on low power heats the tent surprisingly well at least a 5x5 I run the heater with the temp of the canopy and not the machine itself thats tucked away in the corner so the roots tend to stay cooler than the top of the canopy. Plus it saves a ton of power.
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