to clone or just finish w/ females already have?


I started w/ 10 plants. After the 10th night 5 are male and cut down. Not sure about the others. I have room for exactly ten so now what? I only have one grow space (two sets of 4 feet Philips Alto Deluxe, 2325 lumens, 6500K , 84 CRI flourescent.) I will wait a couple more days to make sure the remaining are female then I have to decide. Clone 5 more and put back on veg or just finish w/ these 5. 8 to 9 weeks longer for 5 more or double the plants.

I'm growing in 1.5 gallon containers in an apartment with an apartment above me and a very nosy landlord who comes in every month to spray for bugs and to check the fire alarm. I have bought a Honeywell 50250 air purifier w/ permanent HEPA filter and carbon prefilter and the smell seems to be much more under control (but the buds haven't even started yet.) If I get caught I'm completely screwed. But I have nobody decent to buy from. I usually buy maybe 2 eighths a year and have a hard time getting that. I really want this pot so bad I'm risking everything. I saved some seed from some weed that I stayed high on for a month - it burned slow and gave as good a high after a month as to begin with (almost.) A high that was strong but didn't ever make me stoned. The plants look like an indica. So the extra say 9 weeks are dangerous as well as hard to wait on.

I have tried growing pot twice outside. 1st time I got all seeds with pot so weak I didn't get high once. The second time I removed the males but only left me w/ 2 plants. The one that was done was stolen and the other I took down way before it was mature to keep it from getting stolen. So just having a successful grow would be great.

If I clone first go back on 24 hour light a day. After 2 weeks or so the plants should be switched back to veg. Take clones and another two weeks for them to get roots. Then let them grow for 2-3 weeks. Then 12/12 lighting and after 2 weeks they are where they are now. So it could be 9 weeks longer. Do I have my #s right? Then 7-9 weeks of flowering, 1 week of drying, and 2 weeks of curing. So I could have 5 plants worth of bud in 10-12 weeks if the remaining are all female or 19-21 weeks for a bit more than double the bud. 5 frigging months or 2.75 months still to go. Wow and I was impressed with myself for growing tomato (20 big beef and 5 sun gold this year) from seed to harvest the last 2 years lol. If all 5 are female I'll probably take the short route but any advice or corrections greatly appreciated...


Well-Known Member
also I would do the 2 yeild thing, you can concentrate on your plants better, they won't have to fight for light with 5 other plants and in a couple months you'll have a new bag of smoke and you can clone those plants and get yourself a third cycle, if your landlord is an issue you should think about a stealth grow...i did the fridge thing.....just out of curiosity how did you sex your plants after 10 days???? or did you get larger plants from somebody? Oh ya and your grow times seem a bit short, you will have really tiny plants so smaller crop


After the 10th day of flowering(12/12.) I started germinating the seeds 5/2/10 after I was done w/ the tomatoes.

Really? I can clone the plants after they are finished flowering? That would be perfect. I could quick dry some to find the one or 2 w/ the best weed then clone them. I thought it was almost impossible to revert the plants to veg after they are that deep into flowering though? Wouldn't the part that is cloned already have a bud on it? Or can I use the fan leaves to clone w/? Just repeating things I have read and many of those may have been wrong. I would love to be able to clone this way but I haven't heard of anyone doing this, maybe because the real growers have more than one grow space and they have quicker results only cloning in veg or just into flower if they don't know the sex.

Thanks for the help!


Looks like I could harvest then reveg and then clone. Thanks for the notion I didn't know it was possible. A never ending crop would be sweet. Now if I could just get some Arjan's Haze #3 seed I'd be set lol. KB