...to believe

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
The question is simple. Do you want to believe. I'm talking about the act of believing. An action statement, of sorts. Do you want to believe?

f.e. to believe in the science of believing.


I could be too high, but i dont know what your asking?
Do I want to believe in something? As in feel a need to believe in something greater then myself weather its science or religion?
Or...idk....you lost me


Ursus marijanus
No, because I see great peril of a self-fulfilling mind-trap. Humans have this talent to want to believe, willy-nilly, and imo it has brought millennia of trouble.
Conversely I don't WANT not to believe. I want to believe what is true, and therein lies the rub! cn

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
I could be too high, but i dont know what your asking?
Do I want to believe in something? As in feel a need to believe in something greater then myself weather its science or religion?
Or...idk....you lost me
...in anything. Just 'to believe'. I think I am speaking to cynicism, a little.


Well-Known Member
Discernment of truth before belief,what are your principles as a being/person?,i guess i want belief of truth,beautiful or ugly truth no BS and 99% of the world is full of BS.Yes it is a mechanism that pulls the mind in "to believe" i can agree.


Well-Known Member
How about the gap from believing, either for or against, to doing? Because believing, well that's simply just believing would you say? Or is that "enough" in itself alone? Can you have a belief with no doing. Of course you could. I'd have to say, with no doing at all, but believing, it's between you and whatever right.

Oh I see what you're doing I think. What comes after belief? Or wait, yeah nevermind, wait you mean what comes before belief, ahhhhh because whoever told you the story, y'know....I dunno bout that guy...... hahah.

To answer, for the poll. Yes, I believe. Sorry for the BS.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
How about the gap from believing, either for or against, to doing? Because believing, well that's simply just believing would you say? Or is that "enough" in itself alone? Can you have a belief with no doing. Of course you could. I'd have to say, with no doing at all, but believing, it's between you and whatever right.

Oh I see what you're doing I think. What comes after belief? Or wait, yeah nevermind, wait you mean what comes before belief, ahhhhh because whoever told you the story, y'know....I dunno bout that guy...... hahah.

To answer, for the poll. Yes, I believe. Sorry for the BS.
...good laugh, thanks! :)

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
[FONT=&quot]To believe in one greater than yourself and to trust your fate to that power would be a relief. But in doing so it allows you to feel as if you no longer have to be directly responsible for whatever you do.

I believe in myself, or others that i love and can depend on for support. I like to take full responsibility for everything i do, think and say.

But also, i do not forget, or forfeit the inevitability of their being things within this universe that i do not have the capacity to understand.


Well-Known Member
...mostly wondering about how easy it is to be a cynic. We all get there at some point, and maybe some don't ever 'get back'.
Well, I'm reading about cynic, and I see

1. a person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions and who disbelieves in or minimizes selfless acts or disinterested points of view. A. Sounds like an Athiest kidding kidding.

2. Greek philosophers, 4th century b.c., who advocated the doctrines that virtue is the only good, that the essence of virtue is self-control, and that surrender to any external influence is beneath human dignity. A. Oh the indignity. I will claim personally I have done things of thought of reward. If I said any different I would be lying. I don't have much virtue in me, but I can work at it.
Now check out how cynical I am, I've given away stuff for other people, namely my parents, that they gave me to goodwill, because they never would. My cynicism led me to hope that they do get the reward, because it was their stuff, and I don't. Simply because the items weren't mine, and to preface WHY I did it, was because there's ALOT of clothes, and they can't put anything in their jammed closet. Isn't that kinda nuckin futz?

3. A person who shows or expresses a bitterly or sneeringly cynical attitude. A. That's me to a t. I've been there. I try to recognize when it happens, but I can't because usually my feelings again get in the way. A good example is when I'm buying something and the person doesn't even say "thank you?" I'd used to get bitter AND sneer at you because I'm so kind and your not, for a LONG time, fuming, then I realize they are probably having just as bad a day as me lol! Don't get me started on Road Rage Grrrr, or the Post Office. But I know your in just as much a hurry as I am.

Cynic yeah, cake.....opposite of cynic? Trust I would say, yeah not so easy.