To All You MG Haters.

so much negativity lol, i havnt seen ppl snapping at each other like this on this site since i joined... haha peace :\
what a lying freak you are, lmao. first of all. the other groups??? today is the first time Ive ever run across you ever freak. lol, like your name says you need a good kick in the head. lol. folks I swear on everything sacred to me. this dude is lying. today is the first time Ive ever seen any of your thread or you fag boy.
I showed nothing but respect for you and chose to back out of here quietly even though you were the prick who started. I think your on the wrong website. shouldnt you be over on crack or something.
little puss hiding behind your computer. im a very mellow easy going get along with everybody kind of guy until you fuck with me by making up bullshit lies like your doing right now! lol.. folks, this guy is a real douch bag. what your pissed off about is i posted your pm. and it shows your nothing but a hypocrit. i fucking hate liers.... hmmm... sure your not a rat or a fucking dea agent?? fuck head...

Watever dog, just stop wit the gay shit.

Hallelutah, Holla back!
hell my local hydro shop was closed for the holiday weekend ... closed frday sat. sun and mon. and i needed to transplant a new great white shark clone i got off another local grower so i stopped in at home depot ... and guess what ... right there along with all the MG soils plain jane generic bags said "organic topsoil" "with wormcastings"
mmmmm those sound yummy to me so i picked up a bag .... 5 bux then i headed for the MG aisle .... yep yep you heared me the MG aisle .. LOL for some MG brand vermiculite and MG brand perlite
mixed about 3 parts soil to 1 part vermiculite 1 part perlite and transplanted the new girl and bedded her down in quarantine are to make sure it aint got spider mites .
MG has some really nice perlite but their vermiculite is a bit too fine ... it will serve its purpose tho
i would never however touch MG time release soil
Phinxter I have heard that mg brand vermiculite or pearlite one of them actually has nutes added to it. What do your bags say, pure?
Ya I won't touch time release soil again, that's for sure.

My home depot has soiless mix.

Are we in a full moon or something, people have been going nuts lately. I even got bitchy too... :)
yeah it had no nutes added... they did have perlite with timed nutes in it right next to the stuff i bought tho
and had i not of been paying attention i would have accidently over fertilized.
another reason to hate MG wtf does vermiculite need ferts for ?
Here is a pic of my plant in mg time release soil. Pretty much everything about this current grow is wrong, and she's suffered many small problems but you can see even though she's not looking really happy she still filled out ok and should bud out well. I have topped it several times and it has like 15 colas on the top that I can easily count and probably more will poke up in the next week.

This is 2 weeks into flower, maybe a week and a half not sure really. And I did just water it a second ago that's part of why it's droopy but it never looks as perky and happy as I'm used to with better grows.


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ask garden knowm about mg moisture control... or better yet.. read his book SeeMoreBuds' "Marijuana Buds For Less:Grow 8 oz. of bud for less than $100"
he uses miracle gro moisture control and cfls and yeilds 8 ozs of beautiful buds from 2 clones and one plant from seed... cant really argue with that.. it also makes shit a lot easier considering he only waters once a week and doesnt add any extra nutes if i remember correctly.. someone please correct me if im wrong
ask garden knowm about mg moisture control... or better yet.. read his book SeeMoreBuds' "Marijuana Buds For Less:Grow 8 oz. of bud for less than $100"
he uses miracle gro moisture control and cfls and yeilds 8 ozs of beautiful buds from 2 clones and one plant from seed... cant really argue with that.. it also makes shit a lot easier considering he only waters once a week and doesnt add any extra nutes if i remember correctly.. someone please correct me if im wrong

Now according to connisewer up there, anyone who uses any Miracle grow products does not know how to grow. And since we haven't seen a single bud picture out of him, I'm sure he knows right what he's doing :mrgreen:
could you please stop obsessing over me ... i never said anything like those who use it dont know how to grow. you are putting words in my mouth(or typing for me w/e) i mean, i know you have no weed to smoke and your stressed and frustrated that i said you shouldnt use MG on a cannabis plant. but could you please let me slip your mind for one second?... i havent read the seemorebuds book but maybe i should... you can never stop LEARNING...
I think you should start learning before you can stop learning. You followed me from thread to thread acting like a big horses ass. I guess you don't like it when I do it to you though do you?
youre making no sense... you asked a question on a thread about flavoring. and i answered you >> ITS WRONG get over it... if you thought what i did was annoying why else would you do it other then to be annoying yourself... i can see that your parents didnt raise you with the moral of the golden rule...