To All You MG Haters.

Did anyone else notice that the MG all-purpose, water soluble, fertilizer sold in the UK is 15-30-15, while the US it's 24-8-16?
Now I can't claim all of the same-exact-named product sold in U.K. is 15-30-15 (isn't that the US MG Bloom?) 'cuz I'm not in Europe, but I have come across several posts here lately where M8's have posted pictures of their fert container (go figure) and they all have typed in 15-30-15 when I inquired as to the #'s?

Perhaps it's a difference in measurement units (damn metric system!)
Wouldn't it be something if those in locales other than North America are getting the wrong product for maximum growth?

Well . . . They DID give us the Beatles!
damn all this over some soil.
damn pple cant hit up the dro store so..

It's either Miracle Gro or Expert Soil (not u bonz its a real soil).
Let that shit ride grow how u grow n keep it to yaself.
i claim to be no expert and never have. but you can get beeter soils at home depot than mg.
like sunshine mix and others.

the complaint in my link fron the epa was involving mg. they were also charged in the past with using chemicals from agent orange. it`s the same company and probably made in the same location. like most money greedy companies.
I don't think it's a metric difference, if it was the first and last number would still be the same as each other. It's probably just what the stores order. MG sells different products and the stores stock the ones people buy.
i claim to be no expert and never have. but you can get beeter soils at home depot than mg.
like sunshine mix and others.

the complaint in my link fron the epa was involving mg. they were also charged in the past with using chemicals from agent orange. it`s the same company and probably made in the same location. like most money greedy companies.

I call bullshit

The Kal-Kan company (they make pet foods) is owned my M&M Mars. Do you think they make M&M's in the same factory as the dog food?

Have you ever looked up the list of chemicals in perfume and cologne? Most chemicals used in scented products are on the EPA banned list, yet the makers get away with using them because the "trade secret" laws trump the "you can't poison people" laws.
There is no scientific formula to grow marijuana, it does not take a nuclear engineer to grow, and MG will work:peace:
you can call it what you want bud. i just wouldn`t want my money going to a company that runs a buisness like that and thier workers are dying.
so go ahead and support a company like that. i realy dont care, just trying to provide info for some that may have the same concerns as i do about this kind of stuff
you can call it what you want bud. i just wouldn`t want my money going to a company that runs a buisness like that and thier workers are dying.
so go ahead and support a company like that. i realy dont care, just trying to provide info for some that may have the same concerns as i do about this kind of stuff

So now you are saying you would not use MG because of the way the company treats there employees?:confused: You lost me
What part of soil is soil did you not understand Fish..........Clay is not soil. There is no right or wrong

and I suppose blood is blood.
I interpreted your initial comment as meaning that if you take a bucket of soil from the East, add nothing, and grow a plant, then do the same with soil from the valleys of the Rockies, you will see similar results. I really don't know if this is true, but suspect not? So this would not equate to soil = soil, IMO.

*Clays are distinguished from other fine-grained soils by various differences in composition. *Wiki-pedia/clay
and I suppose blood is blood.
I interpreted your initial comment as meaning that if you take a bucket of soil from the East, add nothing, and grow a plant, then do the same with soil from the valleys of the Rockies, you will see similar results. I really don't know if this is true, but suspect not? So this would not equate to soil = soil, IMO.

*Clays are distinguished from other fine-grained soils by various differences in composition. *Wiki-pedia/clay[/

Ive never said they would produce the same results....In fact i stated that twice that some are more suitable and better.......My whole beef on this was that MG soil will grow a marijuana plant.(PERIOD):peace:
So now you are saying you would not use MG because of the way the company treats there employees?:confused: You lost me

seems prety simple to me. i dont like mg for my own personal reasons and now i have 1 more. thats not that hard to understand. sorry for meking things dificult for ya.

i never said the stuff didn`t work iether,i just dont use it.
i did provide a recipe for tyhstuff i thought if some one wants to use it.
Im on my first grow with MG soil that says it feed plants up to 3 months. my plants are 46 days old vegging. when can I start feeding them plant food? because they are startim
hey all,

im growing with MG soil, the stuff that says feeds plants up to 3 months. my ladies are 46 days old in veg. when do you suppose i can start feeding them plant food. I think theres some sort of defficiency going on like maybe sulpher or nitrogen...:peace::blsmoke:

Got a pic. Maybe this'll help. If it's just lower yellowing, try Epsom salts. Using MG Moisture Control soil, I got some lower yellowing controlled by 1/4 tsp per gallon at almost all waterings. Helps w/nutrient uptake, too.
Try and make sure it's well dissolved (mix the night before? crush?)

I'd look at the symptoms first myself.
I used MG organic potting soil. It worked great through vegging, but at about 2 weeks into flowering it started to burn my plant