To add more nutrients or not. check my daily readings and you be the judge


Active Member
The controller is about canopy level between two lights and it reads 71 degrees so it's I guess 70 is my canopy temp even under the lightimage.jpegimage.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Looks like slight overfeed. Plant looks good though.

Now that I see the pics on page 2 it definitely is overfert. Leaf tip curl, serrated edge curl could be heat or over fert, and the smoking gun leaf tip burn.

If you were giving 1.4EC id tone it back to 1.2EC

All in all they look pretty healthy. I don't even go past 1.2EC anymore.
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Active Member
I dropped the ec to 1.2 last night. Will see if I can get ph to drift up at this ec level. I'm hoping I don't get the .8-1.0 swings in ph drift downwards


Well-Known Member
Well mid flower its not uncommon for pH to drop. I believe its ion exchange of nutrients used. I could be mistaken though.


Active Member
Well mid flower its not uncommon for pH to drop. I believe its ion exchange of nutrients used. I could be mistaken though.
Yeah I've heard that too but my ph would drop a full point from 6.2 to 5.2 in one day last go around. It was horrible. I've also read that ph drop during flower is horse wash and ph should always rise. Luckily mine has been steady raising and I'm day 33 of 63. :) Only difference when it drops I've added more nutrients and re adjusted the ph but that only happens once at the beginning of flower.


Active Member
I have more leaf curl now since I dropped the nutrients to 1.2 than before. Are the deficient or over nuted.l? I'm tempted to drop it to 1.0 but I'm not sure and don't want to hurt yeild.

And just checked ec and ph and all the plants ec is higher than when I checked two days ago. One plant ph dropped to 5.6 from 5.8

P1 went from 1.16 to 1.43
P2 went from 1.14 to 1.27
P3 went from 1.04 to 1.07
P4 went from .96 to 1.03

Crazy. I knew something like this would happen
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Well-Known Member
Dont know a def. that causes burnt tips and upwards curl.

Your EC is rising. Perhaps it is still too high? It seems like the two closer to 1.0EC rose less.


Active Member
I read mag defeincy curls up wards like its praying. Not sure if this applies but looks like interveinal chlorosis and rust spots.

Also I can't tell if that color dark green is considered bluish. It's shiny as hell though.

These blooms nutes are

7-7.5-9 and read p ratio should be 1-3-2 for flower. Which would mean I need more P

Edit: added another pic of one other leaf.


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70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
It's hard to say if we don't know what kind of nutes you are using. Most of the comments are assuming common nutes. If you aren't using common nutes then you are breaking new ground and will have to experiment. I have always wanted to grow PE and would grow it the way Scottyballs did it. It's easier to copy proven results rather than experiment on your own. Check out Scottyballs technique.


Well-Known Member
Slight over feeding and mag deficiency.

Spray witg Epsom salts a couple times a week. Try to get those night time temps up as well... big temp diff causes stretch and decreased bud density.

What nutes are you using again? Your ph ranges for mag uptake look good so I would add cal mag at 2ml/ gallon.



Active Member
I flushed two plants for 24hrs and then did light nutes about 4 days ago. NO change. I also added a good amount of Calmag to the other two at 7ml per gallon instead of 5 mls. Also no change. I'm about done with these plants and ready for the next crop. Just wish I knew what the problems are so i can diagnose it accordingly. I'm trying trial and error and I still can't figure it out. :(

nutes are from found here. I'm tempted to switch to maxibloom or something else next go around


Well-Known Member
Well, looking at your leaves they are really green, which typically means too much nitrogen. You also have to remember that the spots from the deficiency are damaged and they are not going to heal themselves. So the increased cal mag wouldn't make it look better it would just stop them from looking worse.

I don't know what nutes those are.. and don't really want to take the time to see what is in them, but you might try to dig up the percentages of major nutrients and compare them to other nutrients. Or better yet, compare them to cannabis tissue sample tests. Google it...


Well-Known Member
Late response...but keep in mind a mag deficiency can cause nute lockout...which can in turn cause other nutes to pile up...and that looked like it was far-ish along. But I would say mag def and either lockout or slight burn.