to 12/12 or not to 12/12


Well-Known Member
its possible ur plants are sativa(im not sayin this cause they're tall they streched cause you do have anywhere near the light you need to grow 3 plants) are the leaves thin and narrow or tick and broad


Well-Known Member
then its most likely a sativa my plants a hybrid so it doesnt show the sativa really bud the bud is superb


Well-Known Member
ya sativas arnt the greatest for flowering with cfls.. just to tall for proper light.. if possible try and hang some of those cfls that you can adjust and put it right beside your plant.. right near the bud sites you can have those cfls really close not much heat comes off them


Active Member
lol excellent Dubi806..i can't wait:)

ya am definitely getting those extra lights - sunday.

thanks flatrider dudes..will take your advice on placing the lights close by the getting 2 more i'll place 1 on each side..left and right..should be good:)


Active Member
looking good man, you should also go get some bamboo sticks or somthing to hold the plants up, because there so tall the weight of the buds will break of your branches of not snap the main stem. just trying to give you a little warning, dont want you to wake up one morning go to kiss the girls and them laying on the floor. that would seriously suck. keep us posted, and shoot up some pick with the new lights in there


Active Member
thanks for the heads-up plumsauce:) will definitely shoot and upload new updates after sunday:) it's the 4th day of flower today..and it's flowering more from 3 of the top..the pistils are also getting longer:)


Active Member
hey are the new pics as i have 3 on the right, the other on the left and the main one on the top.

she's flowering more..but only from 3 points of each branch..but i'm not complaining..tot it was gonna die before this..she proved me wrong..a strong survivor she is:mrgreen:

here are pic of the 3 individual top and the growroom with the extra lights



Active Member's the 10th day of pre flower now..i'd just like to share with you guys..especially those who have replied to my thread..that all is well and that my babies are just sprouting all over the place:weed:

and to plumsauce..have gotten the bamboos up dudes:mrgreen: inserted some pics for you to see my girlfriend made a pipe out of the extra bamboo we got and it's SWEET!!!:hump: can't wait to try it out:eyesmoke:

gonna get some bigger ones to make a bong out of thembongsmilie

still wondering what sativa strain she is tho:confused: anyone? or is it too early to tell:roll: are the pics guys



Active Member
k it's day 13 of girl looks more and more like a bamboo tree now:) so we call her BOO..and she's just flowering all points..and shooting out

yesterday, the little one (2nd plant that also almost died due to lack of nute) started to flower..and SHE'S A GIRL TOO!!!
haayyyy..*sniff* we're such proud parents:)

so far the 3rd plant still shows no's leafs are still curled in:(
but constantly monitoring it's growth - don't want it to turn out a horny male and impregnate my girls..a HUGE NO NO..

anyways, that's my update for today..peace out and keep it rolling



Active Member
:confused:it's day 14 of pre-flower and i noticed some of the stigmas on the pistils are coming out red??? is that normal?