American Football players

make sure you've got your 5000lb of body armour on before you try tackling that big mean man, mustn't get hurt
And you rugby players make sure you don't hit anybody but the ball carrier, because to just haul off and knock an opposing team member on their ass because they were trying to tackle your man would just be vile, loathsome, and down right unsportsmanlike. And to knock them on their ass because they are in the way of you making your tackle would be JUST as loathsome.
And don't do it while the ball carrier is in the air, because that would be unfair to the ball handler and could cause him injury worthy of being penalized, if not thrown out of the game.
Oh, and make sure you absolutely, positively, wrap the ball carrier in your arms like a lover when you DO tackle them, because if you don't and just plow through them with your shoulder, you might cause them injury, and that won't be tolerated!
And DON'T, whatever you do, hit the ball carrier above the chest, or below the knees.
Now, if all that sounds like shit to you, and you want to knock the shit out of the other team instead of running around on the field waiting for your turn to actually make some kind of play like a soccer fag, then don the kit, man the fuck up, forget your "line outs", your "scrums", and your "tries", and play FOOTBALL.
Or, if you can't play football OR rugby because you've had your testicles removed, or never had any in the first place, then you can always play soccer with the rest of the women...