i find it funny how you say i didn't have it because its rare ? this is the reason why avoid these threads in the first place. you didn't see the plants so cant say if it was or not. being struck by lightening is rare but it still happens. i don't have hops in the area. i just signed up to this site to share my experience of what me and a few others seen in my plants that fit the description of TMV. and it started to spread from touching others until the whole room had signs of it. so i suggest before you start throwing out whats real and whats fake accusations you should remember that just because you or your friends have not seen it, it doesn't mean its not there. and who knows maybe it was a different virus that shows the exact same trade marks. either way it fucked the grow.
In almost 45 years of growing, personally.
Between 12 different growers, all with over 11 to 40 years growing cannabis.
Over 300+ samples sent in from our and others plants.
NEVER one single positive for TMV or a "tabacco" related viral.
This professor (we've dealt with 2 now) says that cannabis does not get TMV of any type. Nor any Sunn Hemp virus....He could not even find recorded examples of any TMV in hemp....
He did say that you can get
Hemp mosaic virus HMV, OR
Hemp streak virus HSV. He also said you can get any viral associated with Hops. While legal experimenting with cannabis family plants are regulated and limited. They do do some work with hemp and plenty with hops. Neither of which, from direct contact application of the TMV family of viral's. Contracted the disease in these trials.
He further stated that TMV can infect up to 9 different plant family's... Cannabis has long been thought to be part of the Hops (Humulas sp) family, and the Nettle family before that. They helped discover that by Genetic sequencing and DNA analysis. That cannabis has roots in the former Celtidaceae family. It was then combined with newer findings that make the family group larger in that the former family's of plants it was thought to come from. Be formed into it's own family group. That family group now contains the Cannabaceae, Humulas, and Celtis under this one family . This family contains only just over 150 species of plants (Most of them from the Celtis group, and those are trees = little over 100 species).
Mosaic viral's are all contained in the Geminiviridae family of plant virus's (mostly mosaic's). This group is broken into 9 different genera, containing a little over 360 viral species. Each of these viral's can infect only specific genera's.....Guess what? The professor states that TMV and the tobacco related virals. Have yet to be shown in any
TRUE testing to effect the cannabis related group!
He further goes on to state that in "your" industry today (Growing medical Mj). Some of the new hot beds of growing in the middle of the country. Are experiencing a fast resurgence of Hemp related viral's. He states that the burgeoning cannabis specific growing supply industry has taken notice, and that less then honest individuals are making large profits by selling ineffective viral "test's" and "cure's." These are woefully overpriced and the nutrient companies are taking notice and some are planing to breach that market. He says the the owner of AN (Big Mike) is now involved in this "fear mongering" by calling the virus a TMV or Tobacco related virus, is directly tied to the
over, and incorrectly stated volume of internet misdiagnoses by inexperienced and uneducated guru's of growing drugs for profit. He says that is to be expected, as it's expanding by those not
KNOWING, and simply guessing by already incorrect posting of photo's and conjecture.
So then. Cannabis does not get "Tobacco" virals! That genera of viral's do not effect the 150 plant strains that make up the family that cannabis is in!
He states this firmly and points to the viral trials of hops from these "Hemp" viral's breaking back out from the increased growing of Cannabis and Hops for the burgeoning markets of craft brewing and medical/recreational Mj growing....
This is science at work here ^^^.
Not uneducated, internet folklore!
So NO, you did not have a "TMV"! You most likely had a HMV or a Hop related viral.....
Looking on the net to "see' what your problem is. Comes with a large section of misinformation..
I hope I cleared that up for you.
apologize if I offended you.
I have a great aversion to coming in this and the newbie thread for just this reason.
I get tired of those with soft skins and the need to argue with next to no "proof" of what they claim ("But, I saw it on the net, and that's what it "looks" like!)
I'm curt and to the point. I try not to be so intolerant anymore. Ya'all gotta get over it when I am.