Growing in a 3x2 closet with 230 watt led 20 inches away light feeding of bloom grow micro cal mag roughly 5 ml to 4 Lt humidity kinda low 35 % 28 degrees 24 hours of light 3 plants all of same age 2 JH auto and 1 pk auto I touched the little guy one day within hours noticed that mosaic pattern on leaf then new growth and it's completely all over I'm probably going to regret it but I'm keeping it to see how it turns out so far hasn't spread to the JH, s my hygiene is crazy now here's all 3 as of today thanks I have read also no confirmation of TMV but if there's a for real possibility I see it all over my Plant not just here and there as on other examples also look at the size of 3 same age autos I finished 3 pk autos at Christmas no issues 1/4 p of pretty good dam
Whatever it is its stunting my plant and has a mosaic pattern on every leaf it's hard to see unless u zoom in the only thing telling me it's not TMV is that it hasn't spread I'm greatfull for that