TMI: Getting confused: decarbing



Just came across this
If the intention is to get high from the tincture drops, then decarboxylation is necessary prior to start any recipe. Heat the cannabis bud, trimmings, or stems in an oven at 250 degrees F for at least 30 minutes to activate the THC. If this is not done, then the tincture will not produce a high.
Now I am growing for my partner who is having a lot of benefit fro the tincture I bought
This tincture DOES NOT get her high (then again it 3 or 4 drops

I thought that for tincture and oil decarbing was part of the process
The above states decarbing for alcohol and for oil its automatic part of the process

So now I am confused I need to decarb or not?
Ardent Nova... I thought you were recommending a strain for a minute

Bloody hell you really can get evrything on Amazon.... short of seeds

So please enlighten me a bit more.

I have seen this (youtube) done with the oven... but I am a bit worried about the smell ....

This seems to take care of that

Am i correct in the higher proof / % alcohol, the better your extraction .
(I am looking at a 97% wodka ABV = 194 US Proof 170 UK proof)

There's virtually no smell with the Nova, and you're sure not to burn your buds. Expensive for a small unit but there's no competition to bring the price down. Highly recommended if you're making edibles.

Decarbing in the oven stinks up the whole house.


Yes, higher proof = better extraction.

I saw something with a lid on amzaon as well for the oven.... but airtight and heating up ...i dont see that working...
Now the220F is only just above boiling point

How about a slow cooker?

I am not looking to spend that money .....YET... I am also not looking to stink the house up

Just found you can cook it in a sealable bag?
90 minutes?
Anyone experience with that?
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I saw something with a lid on amzaon as well for the oven.... but airtight and heating up ...i dont see that working...
Now the220F is only just above boiling point

How about a slow cooker?

I am not looking to spend that money .....YET... I am also not looking to stink the house up

Just found you can cook it in a sealable bag?
90 minutes?
Anyone experience with that?

You can get SS canisters for decarbing and they aren't that much. I double wrapped an OZ with tinfoil and decarbed in our little oven at 250F for 45 min and the RSO will knock you out so it worked. Sealed good with a temp probe in it so I started the clock once it was 250 in the middle. Hardly any smell especially compared to the stink when the wife is drying garlic to make garlic powder out of.


Edit: When you are done leave the container in the oven until cool so the volatiles/terpenes can reabsorb back into the pot. That's what escapes and stinks up the house when decarbed on a cookie sheet. Waste of good medicine!



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i'm bassackwards i guess. i make kief using dry ice and silk screen material, i put parchment paper on a cookie sheet, put the kief on the parchment paper, then cover it with aluminum foil. then i decarb the kief in the oven at 240 for 20 minutes, stir it, give it another 25-30 minutes and it's ready to use. just add it in when you add the butter or oil or w/e fat goes into your recipe. only has a faint nutty flavor, none of that obnoxious green taste, and while it does stink while you're decarbing it, it stinks a lot less. i get up early, and do it at like 5 or 5:30 in the morning, with the kitchen window open, and the smell is gone pretty much when you take it out of the oven.
i'm bassackwards i guess. i make kief using dry ice and silk screen material, i put parchment paper on a cookie sheet, put the kief on the parchment paper, then cover it with aluminum foil. then i decarb the kief in the oven at 240 for 20 minutes, stir it, give it another 25-30 minutes and it's ready to use. just add it in when you add the butter or oil or w/e fat goes into your recipe. only has a faint nutty flavor, none of that obnoxious green taste, and while it does stink while you're decarbing it, it stinks a lot less. i get up early, and do it at like 5 or 5:30 in the morning, with the kitchen window open, and the smell is gone pretty much when you take it out of the oven.

I'm mostly making RSO these days and do all my extraction and recovery first then decarb the RSO on it's own. In my little oven I can watch the bubbles start at around 235F then just keep an eye on it and shut the oven off when the bubbling starts. That's how I did the last 10cc batch and when I started the RSO at about a half a grain of rice size dose it greened me out. Had to go to bed and was still wasted when I woke up 10 hours later. Now I'm doing 4x that much and barely feel it. Time to do some measuring and cap up some consistent doses.

I add about 10% MCT oil to it so it isn't so thick and easier to squeeze a dose out of a syringe.

Temperature probe from my multimeter beside the beaker. Before and after.



i'm bassackwards i guess. i make kief using dry ice and silk screen material, i put parchment paper on a cookie sheet, put the kief on the parchment paper, then cover it with aluminum foil. then i decarb the kief in the oven at 240 for 20 minutes, stir it, give it another 25-30 minutes and it's ready to use. just add it in when you add the butter or oil or w/e fat goes into your recipe. only has a faint nutty flavor, none of that obnoxious green taste, and while it does stink while you're decarbing it, it stinks a lot less. i get up early, and do it at like 5 or 5:30 in the morning, with the kitchen window open, and the smell is gone pretty much when you take it out of the oven.
Last year, for the first time, I had a local soil place process 30lbs of popcorn buds with dry ice and got over 4lbs of kief. The yield was higher than expected - so full melt quality was unlikely. I used the Ardent FX to decarb about a QP of the kief in a Mason jar with the lid off. Although the kief was dry, it still released about 10g of moisture during the decarb process.

Lab test ($75) showed that the kief was fully decarbed and had 232mg THC/g. I then stuffed fifty 0 capsules with 14.2g of the kief - making each capsule 66mg THC. Other sized capsules too could be used for desired dosages.

This is an easy and effective way to consume cannabis without a lot of time spent processing. Plus it's a sugar free gummy/cookie alternative. One could also simply eat the kief without putting it into a capsule first.
You can get SS canisters for decarbing and they aren't that much. I double wrapped an OZ with tinfoil and decarbed in our little oven at 250F for 45 min and the RSO will knock you out so it worked. Sealed good with a temp probe in it so I started the clock once it was 250 in the middle. Hardly any smell especially compared to the stink when the wife is drying garlic to make garlic powder out of.

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Edit: When you are done leave the container in the oven until cool so the volatiles/terpenes can reabsorb back into the pot. That's what escapes and stinks up the house when decarbed on a cookie sheet. Waste of good medicine!

All good info right there.