Tissue culture micro prop


Well-Known Member
Anyone out there been successful tissue culturing old genetics to bring them back? I am about two weeks into it and starting to see branching and leaves forming. Apparently I'm best off rooting like normal once it gets a little bigger.

If anyone has been successful did you notice a new vigor or expressions? I know it gets any virus/pathogens off the plant but will it rejuvenate through terps etc as well?

Ps- this stuff is pretty fun and easy once you get the right equipment. Phytotech labs has been great.
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this really interest me. not sure my old cheese cut need it but i would try for sure.
do you think it brings back vigor/potency or it is for sick plants (virus..)?
I think those might be one in the same. Things attach to the cut over time and this will bring it back to health hopefully.
The process is long especially first time getting to multiplication stage but it would be a nice tool to have.
I was under the impression a virus is in the plant tissue. How would you be getting rid of it?
Nodal explants don't always get rid of viruses and you have to use meristematic tissue that is so new and fast growing that it isn't tied to the plants vascular system yet.

By isolating and dissecting the meristem microscopically you have a much better chance of removing viruses although nodal explants and DNA verification can show they can also be removed with less technical applications.