Tired of people say MG is not for Cannabis. I'm going to shut all of you up.

Name one thing that people eat that's made with... ahem, "anti-bacterials" and steroids. We're talking about plant science, not your food paranoia. Msg has nothing to do with miracle grow. Neither do preservatives. Wanna throw high cholesterol and trans fats in the mix? You have an irrational view of how plants take in nutrients and use them.

If you don't think that the matter and medium in which we grow, raise, prepare our food before we ingest it has a difference on its beneficial qualities... well then that is your choice. I personally feel a difference between food I grow organically and that which I have to buy that is made with preservatives, and anti-bacterials... and steroids. My medical marijuana is the same... There is a difference in effect, taste, and aroma. Shit works exactly like that... and stop trying to make a pissing contest.

There is a reason why the organic (clean) movement is so big... because it does have an effect on how people feel after ingesting that produce, meat, cannabis. Next you will be telling me that MSG has no effect on people, and is the same as natural sea salt...
Name one thing that people eat that's made with... ahem, "anti-bacterials" and steroids. We're talking about plant science, not your food paranoia. Msg has nothing to do with miracle grow. Neither do preservatives. Wanna throw high cholesterol and trans fats in the mix? You have an irrational view of how plants take in nutrients and use them.

Again.. you may believe what you wish to believe... and you may do it without attacking me. I sir am a terminally ill patient... who happens to be affected heavily by what I consume. Now I am sure that you have a better education than the doctors who have been caring for me in america and in germany, so maybe I should just ignore their instructions, and what my body tells me, in favor of your cogent explanation above.

Now I specifically mentioned the use of antibiotics because when fed to livestock it immediately nullifies it as being organic, that is the same for steroids (look up the use of cortico steroids in livestock). I cannot eat processed foods, and refuse to inhale and ingest marijuana that has been grown with man made and processed chemicals. Like I said... no need for a pissing contest, I always allow people to refute scientific fact and research, but that doesn't mean that I must ascribe to the same kind of uneducated thinking.
I had this dumbass tell me that using MG when growing pot will cause your weed to give people cancer! haha since when does weed cause cancer? He was a cracked out coke head of course, saw my MG perlite bag and said my bud would give him cancer. Fuckin tweaks
I had this dumbass tell me that using MG when growing pot will cause your weed to give people cancer! haha since when does weed cause cancer? He was a cracked out coke head of course, saw my MG perlite bag and said my bud would give him cancer. Fuckin tweaks

Hey, just means more smoke for you!!!
I had this dumbass tell me that using MG when growing pot will cause your weed to give people cancer! haha since when does weed cause cancer? He was a cracked out coke head of course, saw my MG perlite bag and said my bud would give him cancer. Fuckin tweaks

LMAO Tell him all that coke he is doing is ripping his heart apart and probably giving him cancer
Hey Guitar Man, doesn't sound like you ran into any issues with MG soil. I'm not running into any issues myself except in the beginning because I failed to realize the soil would burn the roots if I watered the soil too much. So I cut back my watering to every 3 days instead of every 2 days. She's back on track and doing very well. Only been about 10 days into Veg so far. https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/579976-newbie-grow-free-ftp-gift.html

I used MG MC Soil last year, and I did have some issues. But hey, who doesn't have issues the first time they grow MMJ. Don't listen to any of the BS on here that says, "Weed grown in MG won't taste good." This is pure bullshit! I cured my bud for almost 3 months, and the taste and smoke was KILLER! I also had VERY experienced growers, who produce more bud than you or I would know what to do with, tell me that my MMJ was AWESOME!

Now, my issues on the first round were these: Like you, I did have nute burn, but not that bad. I found out that MG has built in nutes that will last through your Vegging. I had fungus gnats last time, but they could have come from our other plants around the house. My closet was also over-crowded, so I cut 1 plant out of this grow.

This time: no fugus gnats (yet). I'm 6 weeks into my grow and no sign of any bugs. No nute burn (yet). I just started adding nutes, but only Bloom Nutes. I started adding last week, the smallest dose recommended. The plants responded nicely, with NO burn. I did not PH my water last year until half way through my grow. I've PH'd my water since the beginning this time, trying to add slightly "Base" water, as MG is acidic.

I've been flowering for 10 days, and all the ladies have shown their "Colors" and are budding nicely! My grow isn't perfect, but I'm expecting a nice harvest this year. I've been using MMJ for years, not counting the many years smoking weed when I was young, and I know what good or bad weed is. I know, I could easily get top dollar for my product, but I'm not interested in making any money; I just want good "Medicine".

With all of this said, who knows, I might try something different next year. That's the beautiful thing about growing MMJ, there is no, one single way that is perfect, and trying something new can be a great experiment.
Dont be rude to Dice Clay. Your not even giving a arguement youve turned to bullying you rude fuck. Ive seen pirax with stupid comments a few times.. A guy says he is terminaly ill and you crack a joke. Out of order, DONT EVER JOIN A CONVO/THREAD IM TAKING PART IN ...
Just got a package in the mail :D DSCN3882.jpg

It is my new Webcam!DSCN3883.jpg

I bought to make time-lapse videos of the test grows I am going to do :D This is going to be cool.

It is 720 too so the time-lapse videos will be good quality.

Soon I will go out buy the MG soil soak the seeds then start the time lapse of the Miracle grow test :D
I am testing my Webcam and timelapse software now :), I have always wanted to timelapse my own plants and watch them grow...Now I finally can! eeek so excited
Alrighty!! Tested the webcam and time-lapse it comes out great! Now I am going to test it to see how much one of my plants grows over night

Time-lapse Test
Alrighty!! Tested the webcam and time-lapse it comes out great! Now I am going to test it to see how much one of my plants grows over night

Time-lapse Test

So, the 15 second video covers how much "Time Lapse"?
Aside from MG being a marginal nute for ganja growing, there are some real world social issues with the company which to consider when purchasing their products:


Also, they're in bed with Monsanto, which is one of the leading evil corps of the new world. Fuck MG, it's evil.
I had this dumbass tell me that using MG when growing pot will cause your weed to give people cancer! haha since when does weed cause cancer? He was a cracked out coke head of course, saw my MG perlite bag and said my bud would give him cancer. Fuckin tweaks

The real question is why are you letting cracked out coke heads know about your grow???

Bye bye ganja plants..
Okay well I guess there is a time stamp option on the software so next time It will show the elapsed time in the corner