tired of hearing this question


Well-Known Member
should i cut off my fan leafs?
your answer is NO its that simple. unless the leaf is dead, or extremely infested with bugs leave them alone. you dont need to get light to bud sites you need light to hit the leafs to absorb energy to make the BUDS. i see thread after thread asking this and it is a common sense question.
its like saying if you take leafs off a apple tree that the sun will hit the fruit and make them bigger and better when really it wont. leafs were put there for a reason so leave them. and if you think they should be trimmed off you an idiot.:weed:

The answer is actually yes. That is to say you should cut your fan leaves that are covering budsites in mid to late flowering when they aren't needed as much as sugar supplies. That is also to say - only if they cannot be manipulated or tucked out of the way-they should be cut. Other than that -I agree- yes, in veg and early flower leave them alone to build bigger stronger plants.

I like you and UB always comparing apples to MJ. If I have 2 cats eating a snowball - how long does it take to shingle the doghouse roof with pancakes?

Ed Rosenthal isn't an "idiot". He advocates trimming fan leaves too. I think the point is - you shouldn't trim when you can tuck.. but if you can't.. it's more important to get light to your budsites..so in that case you should.


Well-Known Member
leafs are still needed in late flower with out them they would not have a source of energy or food supplies to build the buds up. and i dont think it is more important to get light to bud sites cuz like i said the leaf is what produces bud. apple, oranges or any other type of fruit or plant doesnt get bigger or better when sunlight is hitting the bud site directly with fruits it would be bad actually cuz they would probably get to warm.
thanks for your input though, and i will check out the link


Well-Known Member
IMO the buds don't need direct sunlight. I've found the more leaves I have, the better the bud development.

Regarding grammar, I've seen much worse here than the OP. His (her?) posts are understandable compared with others I see here. But I'll be honest, sometimes I wonder about these forums. There are so many posts that have no punctuation, LOTS of misspelled words and make no sense. And whether or not that that's a true reflection of the poster's intelligence or not, it still makes them come across as morons. I make a lot of typos, but take the time to correct any errors before I hit post.

Yeah, I'm a grammar nazi, that shit just drives me crazy.


New Member
leafs are still needed in late flower with out them they would not have a source of energy or food supplies to build the buds up. and i dont think it is more important to get light to bud sites cuz like i said the leaf is what produces bud. apple, oranges or any other type of fruit or plant doesnt get bigger or better when sunlight is hitting the bud site directly with fruits it would be bad actually cuz they would probably get to warm.
thanks for your input though, and i will check out the link
to answer your previous question the hash snake in the joint was rolled with my fingers as i said its like blu-tac and comes as you see it.in india you will but what you call a "toler" and that comes shaped like a sausage in the pic shown or it comes flattened and called a "chipati" but you can but blocks as well.


IMO the buds don't need direct sunlight. I've found the more leaves I have, the better the bud development.
I think the trimming of fan leaves is an indoor issue. If you are growing in sunlight the light is much stronger. Even plants in the shade get some sunlight outdoors. Indoors growers are forced to adapt their growing methods to account for weaker light and more limited space.

The original poster said "leafs were put theri for a reason so leave them. and if you think they should be trimmed off you an idiot".

It is true that leaves were put there for a reason, or rather the plant evolved with leaves for a reason. Nevertheless humans don't necessarily have the same goals as mother nature. We have breeded the plants to strengthen our preferred characteristics for it. We are growing it in artificial surroundings. Whatever our growing medium we use scophisticated feeding regimes even when growing in soil and outdoors. We actively protect it from pests and diseases. We prop up it's branches to support heavy buds so that less energy needs to go to growing strong stems. Cutting off a few fan leaves to allow light to penetrate to more bud sites is minor in relation to everything else we do to modify the plant's growth from what mother nature allows without human intervention.

From the OP " you dont need to get light to bud sites you need light to hit the leafs to absorb energy to make the BUDS."

Granted, I'm just a nube on my first grow, but it seems to me that there are countless growers using scrog and sog methods who push fan leaves below a screen and encourage buds to grow on top of the screen. I would be very much surprised to find out they should have been doing the opposite all along. They should have been pushing the fan leaves on top and the buds underneath so that the fan leaves would get the most light. In fact I urge the OP to do a grow like that. It would be revolutionary. Horticulturalists the world over would be astounded.

"it is a common sense question."

I think that common sense dictates that "best practices" in growing are situationally based. Indoor growers have devised various methods of maximizing the light hitting buds. While your "common sense" pronouncement may seem obvious to you my common sense tells me all these growers can't possibly be completely deluded. Surely by now someone would have caught on and realized that the buds don't need light. That it's the FAN LEAVES they should be concentrating on. DUH! What a bunch of idiots!:shock:


I'm sorry for my previous response. Not the message, but the tone. I was unnecessarily rude, so please accept my apology for that.


Well-Known Member
Your tone was fine (at least to me) and you have some good points. I THINK (because I haven't scrogged or used other methods except topping and tying branches down) the scrog method and some others are used, aside from space limitations indoors, to maximize the bud growth. The upper areas of the plant are where the bud growth wants to go. I think they use the screen to keep growth even, then when it's flowering time they let the buds/branch tops come through because most of the bud growth will be right there.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry for my previous response. Not the message, but the tone. I was unnecessarily rude, so please accept my apology for that.
dont sweat it, im am open to all opinions and every thing, but i just think leaves should be left alone unless dead or infested. unless doing a scrog or something where it is kind of required to cut some things off. but it is a fact that the buds are made fro the leaf absorbing light not the buds absorbing it. thanks for you input and not yapping at me about grammar.


dont sweat it, im am open to all opinions and every thing, but i just think leaves should be left alone unless dead or infested. unless doing a scrog or something where it is kind of required to cut some things off. but it is a fact that the buds are made fro the leaf absorbing light not the buds absorbing it. thanks for you input and not yapping at me about grammar.
Thanks :-). I'm willing to correct your grammar but only if you pay me. My degree is in TESL, Teaching English as a Second Language. lol


Well-Known Member
another arguement thread, great.

i would like to see the difference between plants with fan leaves cut and plants with fan leaves intact, i'm going to do that on my current grow. on my last grow i cut all fan leaves off and the weed was excellent and one of my plants yielded 107g. the main reason i cut them was because i felt the flowering tent was over crowded and airflow was poor.


another arguement thread, great.

i would like to see the difference between plants with fan leaves cut and plants with fan leaves intact, i'm going to do that on my current grow. on my last grow i cut all fan leaves off and the weed was excellent and one of my plants yielded 107g. the main reason i cut them was because i felt the flowering tent was over crowded and airflow was poor.
That's interesting, and it supports my view that cutting or trimming fan leaves is situationally dependent. I'm shocked that you cut ALL the fan leaves off! I'm guessing this was mid to late flowering as you mention your flower room becoming too crowded, which supports what cowell said:

"The answer is actually yes. That is to say you should cut your fan leaves that are covering budsites in mid to late flowering when they aren't needed as much as sugar supplies. That is also to say - only if they cannot be manipulated or tucked out of the way-they should be cut. Other than that -I agree- yes, in veg and early flower leave them alone to build bigger stronger plants. "


Well-Known Member
i'm growing 5 CRITICAL+ from seed and i'm gonna try it out on these. i cut the majority of the fan leaves off in week 5 and don't think it made much difference, they were taking up 3/4 of the tent and over shadowing the slightly smaller plants, the plant didn't seem to stop growing or any sign of shock. i won't need to be so extreme with the trimming in the future as i'll keep an even canopy


Well-Known Member
Thanks :-). I'm willing to correct your grammar but only if you pay me. My degree is in TESL, Teaching English as a Second Language. lol
i can type fine with using proper grammar, i just choose not to cuz their isnt really any point to do so on this site. its not like i am being graded.

another arguement thread, great.

i would like to see the difference between plants with fan leaves cut and plants with fan leaves intact, i'm going to do that on my current grow. on my last grow i cut all fan leaves off and the weed was excellent and one of my plants yielded 107g. the main reason i cut them was because i felt the flowering tent was over crowded and airflow was poor.
it wasnt meant to be but it is now. i dont want to argue especially about something that has nothing to do with the thread topic. if you do the experiment let me know i would like to watch but only if it is a proper experiment. meaning same light, strain, age, soil, nutes every thing has to be the same to get real result. how evr i very highly doubt a plant with no leave would produce near as much as a plant with leafs