Tira - 1st Grow


hey everyone. this will be my first grow and i'm planning to share it here day by day. I am and i will be in need of your precious advices. Ok, so..

-I'm using an empty closet as growing space it has a vertical space of 68 inches and 22x20 of horizontal

-i have four pots, who dedicated themselves for growing mj.
they have a diameter of 5.5 inches and their height is also 5.5 inches.

-i have a 26 watt (i guess) lamp. the man who sold that to me said it was over 1500 lumens,
i really don't know if it is enough.

-i have a 18-18-18 plant food which i'll be using for veg stage and a pack of epsom salts.
i'll buy another plant food before i switch to 12/12.

-and lots of good quality soil.

..so i soaked those seeds (not any specific strain, just some seeds) overnight and in the morning, i buried them directly to moist soil. so i'm waiting for them to germinate. then i'll transplant the seedlings to those four pots.


here are two pics of my growing space and lighting system (i guess i should call that a "bulb", not a lighting system) and one of my pots.

i know.. it's crappy but it's all i can offer atm.

so i have no heating stuff, no ventilation and only aluminium foil (i've used the dull side to avoid hot-spots).

i'm waiting for your responses, advices or i dunno maybe you can tell me something that i've done wrong.

some of my questions are:

-how often should i water them?

-when should i start using plant food?

-is my space enough?



Well-Known Member
water until it runs out the bottom then pick up the pot and get a feel for the weight and check every day till its light,then you will know to water. Dont feed unyil the coyltdons yellow,those are the first round leaves.And your space is enough bur your lights arent.GoodLuck


Well-Known Member
you will need more light for four plants. if your budget allows get a 600 watt light and grow nice bud. you will need to increase the light regardless, so for now take a power strip and some y connectors and plug in sockets and make a light strip. i bought everything from home depot including a vanity light bar i made into a reflector.


Use three of the setups below, that will allow 6 bulbs. You can stick with yours or get larger cfl's.

project 3-1-2010 003.jpg

The idea is you want as much light as you can get.


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
just keep the top of the soil moist with a mister till it sprouts, then cover with the bottom of a water bottle and move the light up to about 6". Then get a thermometer and more lights.

Don't water for ten days just keep the soil around the dome moist by misting.



thanks for the fast response mates. so.. how bad is my light? is it completely useless?

and should i totally cover the plant or should i do it just like it is in the picture?


btw i'm not gonna raise all four of them. just need a female plant, then i'll throw three away. still not enough light?


thanks man, you've been really helpful. guess i have to get one (or do i need more?) those lamps and some mylar in 2 weeks. wish me luck


Well-Known Member
400watt is a good start ,youll find this growing thing to be quite addictive and you will expand over time Good Luck! BTW hit me up if you need any help


New Member
This is what I use for 2 plants
22" x 46" x 60" closet painted flat white inside

8 x 42 watt cfl 1/2 6500k 1/2 2700k
16 x 23 watt cfl " " " "

25% Big and Chunky perilite
25% Light Warrior
50% Ocean Forest
4 cups powdered Dolomite Lime
2 cups Azomite

2 1 gallon starters
2 5 gallon finishers

Jack's classic General Purpose
Jacks blossom
Dynagro Foliage pro
Dynagro Bloom
Dynagro Pro-tekt
Dynagro Mag pro
Cal mag plus
Fox Farm Big Bloom
Blackstrap molasses
As well as this for bloom

Get rid of the foil...get some flat white paint and paint inside the closet

Read this...https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/316301-calling-all-noob-growers.html

^^^Thats how I water n feed with a little change here n there for what worked best for me...I put the nutes in the last gallon of "rain"

Need a way to vent the heat from the cfls (yes a few of them do get a room very warm...a closet hot to the point of death for the plants) ....If you use adequate lighting all those cfls with ballasts do get quite hot...so you will need a way to move the hot stale air out and the cool fresh air in while also maintaining absolute darkness during the 12/12....

I would prioritize thusly...ventilation/fan #1, better and or more light #2, white paint the closet #3

Hope this sheds some light on things for you...and don't veg too long at all if you are sticking to cfls due to the horrible penetration properties



I grew these with the above
Alice recuperative 012 (2).jpgMARY 029 (2).jpg


ok, so.. i'll be gettin some mylars as reflectors. thats hat they are, right? and some bulbs. (btw which is better, a 600w bulb or two 400w bulbs or 3 250w bulbs?) and whats a ballast? what if i couldnt do anything about airflow?

and sadly, i dont get those Jacks blossom, Dynagro Foliage pro or Light Warrior stuff. i live in turkey so i dont get anything from those names. i think theyre plant food eh? thanks for your advices everyone .)


Well-Known Member
mylar is like reflective wrapping paper so to speak heres a link

not sure if you know, but those bulbs dont go into normal sockets, you need the whole shabang

youll need something like this

with your space and no ventilation a 400 watt will be fine but you should atleast put a table top fan in there or osculating fan for some air movement

and good luck with your grow! first one is always super fun with alot of learning :)


not sure if you know, but those bulbs dont go into normal sockets, you need the whole shabang
wtf man are you serious? i can't fit that thing in that closet. so hps lamps dont go into ordinary bulb sockets? damn..

thanks for the response btw .)