Tips to help stop smoking?


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU I in the past fell to the addiction of Nicotine, was smoking a pack a day! Anyways come 2012 or so I picked up a Ecig and have been enjoying since, recently I dropped my level of Nicotine from 18 to 10, anyways I did that for a few weeks. Now all I have is 18mg juice and im feeling ill from vaping it! So ultimately I have a decision to make, lower to a proper nicotine level or just say fuck it and stop consuming nicotine-Marijuana all day everyday!

Anyways do you have any tips or pointers to help me kick the addiction? I am scared of the withdraws (how long does it persist)? Thanks for any advise:weed:


Well-Known Member
I quit smoking tobacco a few years back by just smoking a just weed joint whenever i felt like a cig. After a few days you are so constantly baked i started losing that nicotine craving. If you smoke joints like theyre cigs youll also realise how crappy tobacco tastes when compared to weed and that its weird that you are smoking something but not getting stoned. Whats the point of smoking? you start getting that question in your head.
Anyways i quit like that, unconvetional but really worked for me. I havent even thought about trying a toke from a cig ever since..
I have hgeard though that the human brain can have 3 different types of niocotni receptors and different humans can have all 3 or just 1 or 2. Obviously if you have all 3 it ill be very hard to quit. Though this factual information could be very incorrect, i did not read it somewhere realiable.


Well-Known Member
I smoked cigs for years ....and I hated it...worse was the anxiety that goes with quitting or just being low on cigs, and I always admired friends who didn't smoke cigs but blazzed often I quit, see your doctor as there is many medical ways to quit, but start with quitting not trying to slow down with NRT 'Nicotine replacement therapy'.. is dumb as it is still nicotine, now I'm a fat bastard, and use a quality bong to blaze in, reward yourself often I did by buying a $500.00 bong for quitting cigs ....good luck "V"


Well-Known Member
I quit smoking tobacco a few years back by just smoking a just weed joint whenever i felt like a cig. After a few days you are so constantly baked i started losing that nicotine craving. If you smoke joints like theyre cigs youll also realise how crappy tobacco tastes when compared to weed and that its weird that you are smoking something but not getting stoned. Whats the point of smoking? you start getting that question in your head.
Anyways i quit like that, unconvetional but really worked for me. I havent even thought about trying a toke from a cig ever since..
I have hgeard though that the human brain can have 3 different types of niocotni receptors and different humans can have all 3 or just 1 or 2. Obviously if you have all 3 it ill be very hard to quit. Though this factual information could be very incorrect, i did not read it somewhere realiable.
Aint going to lie thats exactly what I was planning on doing! I just have to wait for the weed to be done growing! Also am looking into getting high CBD strain to calm me down etc, possibly not get too high ya know? Anyways I really want to do this (ah I am addicted to posting on forums with ecig in hand)....


Well-Known Member
I quit 4 weeks ago this friday...

quit cold turkey no w.d's etc... just had to keep busy for the 1st 3 days... still kinda want one once in awhile.. but even my folks who quit 30+ years ago have them urges..


Well-Known Member
I used a Ecig to taper down to 0mg nicotine. Started at 32mg- 24mg- 18mg. You get the point. It's not very hard if you can find a Eliquid that you like. I stopped smoking 3 years ago the day I bought a Ecig, haven't smoked a single ciggy since.


Well-Known Member
Good for all of you who have been able to quit! A friend of mine took the pills and never looked back. He was a two pack a day smoker!


Undercover Mod
I started using a Blu two weeks ago and I haven't smoked any cigs since the first day.

The smell of them really turns me off now.

Plus Blu you can order high, low and no nicotine. So you can literally ween yourself off slowly.


Well-Known Member
I got the e-cig, not a single smoke for 3 months had to find the right parts and liquid and everything. A lot of people give up because they can break left and right. I got two batteries i swap and a double coil wick. So... i slipped and smoked a pack but i'm back to the e-cig for now. Lets me smoke inside.


Well-Known Member
Oh I know that Ecig works I have not smoked for 2 years, but am now preparing to fully purge Nicotine, I have a Provari Ecig with rebuildable atomizer, plan to use for BHO!