Tips on growing for CBD


New Member
Having moved to an area where cultivation is only legal with plants lower than .4% THC, I am going to do an outdoor grow for the CBD market. Although, I keep getting comments, from the growers in the area, that if I grow the way that I have been for the past 10 years I will never be able to keep the THC content low enough to maintain legality.

Anyone have any tips on keeping THC levels low without losing terpene content, density, etc?

I was thinking of harvesting late as THC is said to transform into CBN and CBG when it is overripe. Anyone have any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
I have no experience at all with this. But I have a friend who has a hemp farm. Seems that would be the easiest route. He maintains under .3% and is pretty picky on what varieties he chooses for cultivation so I’m thinking you should be shopping for hemp genetics


New Member
Ah. Sorry guys. I should have given more information. I am in France and the only strains we have available to us (legally) are hemp, which by definition is cannabis with a THC level lower than 1%. But in France we have to keep it at .3% (they give some slack if its a little over but not much).

Anyway I've been hearing that even with the selected "catalogue" of hemp, you get THC spikes when you grow dense and tasty buds. But that's the only thing I want to grow. Hence my question, are there tricks to keeping the system/regime as similar as possible without spiking the THC?


Well-Known Member
Only hemp all cbd strains have 1%
Even hemp you have to find special strains they go 0.4-0.5

As for trening less stress better water on time dont break her dont defoliate anythibg that makes her think shit something is eating me or shit drouth will come better produce more oil