Tips of yeild

Carribean Blue

Well-Known Member
Hi here are a few tips for maxin your yeild indoors

first try this thing called supper cropping all you do is squeeze the stem and you can double even triple you max yeild


Well-Known Member
im sure getting feminized seeds is this easy. probably how the breeders all do it huh?


Well-Known Member
Sometimes a female plant contains male flowers, its rare but it happens. The male flowers on a female plant contain the same chromosomes as the female plant itself (X-X). This means that the Female plant can fertilise itself and can grow seeds that can only contain Female Chromosomes and thus grow female plants. These seeds are called Feminized seeds


Active Member
Hi here are a few tips for maxin your yeild indoors

first try this thing called supper cropping all you do is squeeze the stem and you can double even triple you max yeild
Can you expand on this? Squeeze it where? When? How?

Oh and i did hear about using birth control to make more of the seeds female from a book actualy. Didnt hear about the asprin though...

Where are the other tips? Seems like there is just one tip here. ... ?:roll:


Well-Known Member
heres a tip: get your tips from another thread. alot of that shit that sounds goofey, is goofey


Well-Known Member
I saw a guy on a youtube video squeeze the stalk to bend it over to prevent it from getting too close to the light, this guy is a pro, he said NOTHING about it maximizing your yeild. This thread is bogus!


Well-Known Member
by pinching the top node it causes the lower branches to start growing and catch up to the top main cola, in theory it should produce more main tops thus giving a better yeild just less impressive looking. cause of no real big main cola. bless stop talking shit.


Active Member
Yeh, adding aspirin would just make the soil super acidic and lock out nutrients. There is SOME evidence that it would illicit a systemic immune response that can help fight off pests etc but it's risky. It will certainly NOT create female seeds, gibberellic acid is the most common method for creating standardized female seeds.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Supercroping is a good way to make more branching. Works very well. It also does not affect the main cola.


Well-Known Member
Excuse me dude???? Talking shit???? WTF are you talking about?!?!:cuss: Yeah, I said the thread is bogus, because it IS, it's my opinion! Best thing to do when you got a problem with other people's opinions is to keep your mouth shut! Dude, I've read on pinching, I've watched videos on pinching, and even further I tried it first hand in my own outdoor garden after an "old-timer" swore by it. It DID NOT produce a higher yeild, it produced the same amount as the other plants just smaller buds. Just because it may work for some strains doesn't mean it works for all. And since when did you become the God of theoretical practices? Have YOU tried it? Have YOU seen first hand its results?
Let people have their opinions and if you disagree with them, fine. The second you cross the line and slander individuals is the second needlessly offend people. Not a cool stoner you are! F(_) ckin got me wasting a buzz on your comment. :finger: Take it easy man, I only HOPE that someone doesn't kill your buzz the way you just killed mine, and that you learn to ignore peoples opinions. And if you think people are wrong, say you disagree, but dont start pissing people off with stray, needless, offensive comments. Your thread was fine until you judged my response, and its not the fact that you judged it, its how you handled it. So please, have a great day, may things go your way, take it easy.
F(_)c|< you very much!
BlessAmerica :peace:


Well-Known Member
Carribean Blue,
I'm going to delete my thread, because I (and I assume others) misunderstood your original post. I took it as some random unresearched post. I tried it once in the past when I grew 6 bag seed plants, 2 I pinched, 4 I left alone, ended up approx same amount each plant. i just got overly offended by that one guys random stab at me. I am genuienly (spelling) glad to know it worked for you though. :peace: