I always wait for the top 1-2inches are bone dry. A lot of people will do the lift test, and feel when the pot weighs less and needs more water. I have a bad back, so I don't pick those pots up unless I have to.. lol. Judging by how pale the cotyledons are it's probably more of a watering issue than a nutrient burn issue. Like
@Ablaze said, this is the most common mistake among new growers. Those people you see watering every day are either overwatering, or they have enough perlite in their medium that the roots can still get oxygen when the medium is soggy. Ablaze has given you some priceless advice when it comes to watering your medium in soil. Think like mother nature, sometimes it doesn't rain (obviously don't put your girls through a drought), sometimes it just rains a little (just enough to dampen the soil), and sometimes it pours (leaching).
This is something known to many growers as "MIR" or making it rain. Throughout your typical week water fewer and farther between, for me this ends up being 1-2 times a week during veg, slightly more frequently during flower. Let the top 1-2inches get bone dry, then give it a day of isolated showers. Then every few weeks give it a thunderstorm with plenty of runoff, then go back to the routine of letting the top 1-2inches get dry.
Do you have a yard to mow? If so, pay attention in the summer how the weather patterns affect the growth rate of the grass. The day after heavy rainfall there's not much growth, and the day after that it needs mowed as the ground is getting dry enough for you to mow it without leaving ruts everywhere. If it goes too dry it doesn't grow as fast, and visa versa. The idea is to find that sweet spot, ride it for a couple of weeks, then MIR, let it dry, and repeat.