tips for ecstasy use


Active Member
Tizzle I know those terms are meaningless I think you missed my ->. you should make yours. I have a friend addicted to ex and he has his own stamp press, so he can give you whatever the fuck he wants and does. He combines mdma pills with mda pills and then is able to stretch them out to make a saleable product... and gits get trashier pills that look identical.
I've used and others with success and failure. I test pills on atleast 3 gits before I eat one anyway, so I know what I'm eating at all times.

I can get 1g of pure molly for $100 every now and again, and i know its pure bc i weigh out .12 on my 1/100 g scale and leave this world. I question the purity of 125/g heroin like i question ben bernanke's integrity, sorry pure heroin is way more expensive than pure mdma i was just making a point with that anyway. Point being people are stupid and most don't want to listen when you tell them to take ALA or 5-htp.