Tips Curling, Leaves Dying


Active Member
I'm 1.5 weeks into flowering. I've been losing leaves and I don't know why. At first it was just a few sets near the bottom that died and I plucked them off (more like touched them and they fell off). Since then more and more have died over the whole plant. A lot of the leaves still look nice and green. Some parts are darker than others. Just recently I've noticed the tips are curling down pretty bad. Is this some kind of nute deficiency? I was having some issues with magnesium that seemed to be resolved after I flushed them (also had some nute burn) and added a little epsom salt. Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
That plant doesn't look like it's ever been overfed..more like underfed. Up your nutes a little bit. If you overfeed your leaf tips will turn white/yellow all over the plant. If you have yellowing near the bottom, most of the time it is a deficiency.

You mentioned you had leaves dieing all over the plant. Have the new growing tips started to turn yellow, or is it all from the middle down? Also, where did this yellowing originally start?


Active Member
Started at the bottom. None of the new growth is dying. I'll up the nutes and keep you guys updated.

a "friend" of mine had the same problem. What he did was crush up eggshells and put them in a bottle of water and let it soak in for a few days, it should be cloudy. then he added that water with some regular water about half and half, then added to the plant. Grew beautifully after it looked sad. Turned those frowns upside down real quick. Seeing as how you are in the flowering phase, try that, and add more phosphorus. Will be awesome, I promise!