Tiny White Worms in Soil Mixture +REP


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I have this really bad infestation in the buckets of some of my 1 month old plants. I bought some top soil that was contaminated with fruit flies, or fungus gnats or what have you...

I had to store it and mix it in the grow room for security reasons. At first there were only a couple little flies here or there that I could kill and thought they would go away...Now there are a lot and some patches of soil on the top of the buckets are infested with tiny white worms, which I assume them to be the fly larvae...

My medium is a roughly 2/5 MG Organic potting mix, 2/5 MG Perlite, & 1/5 topsoil...

Is there something tried thats proven to rid my garden of these pests? +REP


Well-Known Member
get yourself some indoor garden insectacide...if that doesnt work, toss the plants and go soiless mix next time...

that's the risk you take by buying topsoil from a farm...there's weed (not MJ) seed, insects, bacteria, fungus...all the nasty stuff that nature can throw at you...when you use reg topsoil...always go with a bagsoil...its heat treated to prevent the forementioned pests...


Well-Known Member
thanks, i'm going to need to buy something to treat the soil to kill them... and the top soil I bought is the scotts stuff in the bag from Home Depot... (which I am very unhappy with btw... probly going soilless next time)


Well-Known Member
i havent been happy with past MG soil or any potting soil mix from past grows...i go soiless unless its in mother earth


Well-Known Member
sprinkle diatomascaeous (sp) earth on top of the soil and let the medium dry out a little more between waterings. You'd be amazed at how well just cutting back the watering will help.


Well-Known Member
great, thanks for the advice! I'm sure a combination of a few things will help the most...