Tiny White Larvae in DWC


Well-Known Member
Can anyone help me with this? These are tiny white larvae swimming around in groups on top of the water in my dwc tub. I am not sure what they are, but I have been using SNS 209 which hasn't seemed to help much.



New Member
Godday Sir!

Well I can't really see anything in the pic, but I had a friend who described tiny white larvae in DWC as part of a fungus-gnat infection he had. Perhaps look them up and see if it fits the description, from listening to his tales they are quite nasty and if it IS them you'd want to get rid of them ASAP...

All the best, whatever bugs they are, hope you get rid of them easily!



Well-Known Member
iv never used sns209 the only thing that even remotely comes to mind is springtails which are actually beneficial they eat rotting organic matter at any rate you should get some dyna grow neem oil you will need to dilute it waaay down also you should pick up aqua shield and change your res more frequently


New Member
To prevent and kill all water column and plant infestations in hydro (regardless of specific method). First, stop using media including but not limited to rock wool , hydroton and coco ( with the exception of starting seedlings in such media to take future cuttings). You should only use polystyrene or neoprene holding collars because they are absolutely inert and give no quarter to pests. I've supported mega dwc monsters with just a small round piece of builders foam and a male pvc adapter.Second, keep the water column vigorously agitated from top to bottom for max aeration. This keeps the plant in good health and may or may not help with infestations. Third, and this is the important one, the wrath of God if I may be so bold to say,Instead of using a store bought one part bloom formula do this and I promise you will kill all bugs without putting anything that effects the taste of your finished product. Mix 997 grams of MKP topped off to 1 gallon with hot pure water. In a separate container, 668 grams Epsom salt topped off the same. Use any micro you want( that could be store bought from GH) and now you have a Lucas formula substitution. Instead of doing 16 ml bloom/8 ml micro ( as the 2 part Lucas formula suggests) you simply use 16ml per gal of MKP mix, and 16 ml per gallon of Epsom mix. Of course, the 8 ml per gallon of micro formula should be added to the res first according to the GH instructions. Everything except your plants dies in about a week. You also won't get any mildew problems. Just a bit off topic, but has anybody ever wondered why the bugs that give problems indoors are almost never a problem outdoors?


Well-Known Member
Pests arnt a problem outdoors cuz they have natural prediters that combat them.....bring some praying mantises and lady bugs in to ur house....bet there won't be spidermites lol