Tiny inch worms alike eating up my leaves...pics inside


Hey all

Soon after I got rid of my PH problem a new one comes to the surface...
Today I found out that there are some tiny thin worms on mostly the
lower small leaves of my plants. I also found these worms on my clones
from where the pictures attached are coming from. I am trying to catch
them and I have placed about 10 of them in a jar together with a leave
to see how they will evolve in the days to come...

Does anyone recognize this worm? I could say that it looks like an inch
worm from the way it moves but its way smaller and it eats the leaves
sometimes leaving small lines behind (check pics)...

Will some neem spraying solve this problem??



Active Member
just come to say they look like horrible little things i'd be itching all night knowing they were in my house ..

unless someone else knows what they are id like to see them evolve aswell :)


Well-Known Member
Dam, dude.
Let us know when they grow, I'm curious.
You got good eyes though!
I don't think I woulda seen that.


ROFLhacks : The pattern of eating on the leaves indeed indicates that this is a leaf miner. I think
these pests come in various forms like worms, flies etc and in various sizes
http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/insect/05548.html. I might
start some treatment with neem oil , they say it works well with them...

D3monic : You can read more about neem oil here: https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/8962-how-use-neem-oil-without.html

I wish to see how they will evolve to but they don't seem to be very tough... I sprayed a bit with
water on the leaf in the jar and they died from moisture. Now I ve placed 2 more that I found and
instead of capping I just placed a paper towel on the top of the jar. Damn this is getting weird...
Cultivating worms and cannabis? What more will someone do for a good high??? :P


Well-Known Member
BT will kill the inch worms..it will kill the miners too if it can get to em. Leafminers are protected by the leaf. PITA Prevention is best..I don't use systemics.