Tiny bug question


I found a tiny kinda skeeter looking flying insect,only one and it was on the back of the circulation fan,I suspect hugging the warmth of the electric motor within.I have not send any insects at all so far in 4 wk flower,Downeast Maine ,so cold . Not many bugs anywhere. But I would love some pictures of flying insects found indoors,or indoor grows. Like u say 9nly one ,I killed it of course and searched for more to no avail. The plants are free of any thing on the leaves,stems or underside of leaves. So is this just a midge of some kind? I did have a molasses bottle in the room out side the tent,I removed it last wk,and the second I opened the tent I saw this bug on the back of the fan right at head level,so it might have been in the room and flown right in there when I opened it as I saw it immediately.