Tiny Brown Spots on Seedling

Strain: Northern Lights (Feminized seeds)
Growth Stage: Seedling
Medium: hydroton and rockwool
Method: Bubbleponics Bucket with a large air stone and Reverse Osmosis water
Light: 2' - 4 tube High Ouput Fluorescent (3-4 inches from top of plant)
Nutrients: GH Veg, Micro, and Bloom at an 1/8th tsp/g of each (half the bottle's recommended dosage), Cal-Mag at 2ml/g, and Aquashield at 1tsp/g
pH: Began the week at 5.8 now up to 6.5
PPM: 240-250

This is my second grow and on this go round I am going to establish mother plants and clone from them. The pics below are of the first mother plant I have of NL. She is about 2 weeks old and is in a 3 gallon bucket with a hole cut in the lid with a 5 inch net pot inserted in the hole. I started the seed in a 1 inch rockwool cube that is now submerged in the hydroton inside the net pot. The water line inside the bucket is about a 1/2 inch over the bottom of the net pot. I know that might be pushing it.

All in all she is looking pretty good with long, white roots almost touching the bottom of the bucket. I am seeing no signs of root rot and other than the bottom 2 sets of leaves getting nute burn, the leaves are looking pretty healthy until now.

It might be minor but I paid a lot for these seeds so I want to nip this problem in the BUD so to speak. On the pics I circled little brown spots on the leaves that just showed themselves today. From what I read, it is either Cal and/or Mag deficiency but I have both added. I also read that it could be some sort of pest invading the garden. Any ideas from others who have had this issue?



Active Member
That might just be a little splashed nutes that got on them the leaves look good and healthy green except for the bottom leaf dying and being a little small for 2 weeks I'm a dirt grower though what do I know it's really early to have bottom leaves dying:lol::grin:


Thanks for the reply Danny.

Splashed nutes is what I think I am going with until I see the issue progress. It makes sense too because when I remove the lid to check the roots, water bubbles up and splashes the plant. As of today I am not seeing any new spots.

As for size, it has been alive for 2 weeks but under the lights for 1. Nonetheless, I know if I were using my 400w MH they would already be bigger at this point.