Tinfoil and Outdoor?


Active Member
Hi guys, Outdoor uk grower here. Just a quick question i've recently put behind my plants a sheet of tinfoil to reflect onto the plants but i've read from places that tinfoil creates hotspots.. can anyone give me some advice here please?



Active Member
you sure? in the U.K the temps at the moment is anything between 17-23 celsius which is like 63-75 farenheit.


Active Member
ouch, uk weather outdoor grow can be pretty hard with all that unreliable weather. hope you get lucky with the summer there this year. and stay away from tinfoil :)

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
The tinfoil is only going to create problems for you. You are already growing under the best light available. I have seen bad things happen indoors with tinfoil, never heard of using it outside. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
if your problem is heat try the green house effect , Just cover your plants with a see through plastic paper ( careful not to break any thing lolz) but this method also creates a lot of humidity and may dry ur plant but if your temps are that low it would help. not a lot of lights could compare with the sun, not even on an over cast day ( KEY WORD NOT A LOT may be some dude got some200,000 watt mh or some shit u never know)


Well-Known Member
i've read from places that tinfoil creates hotspots..
go for it, until Myth Busters proves it to me I'll never believe this one. If you crinkle the foil and use the dull side for the reflector you'll have no problems.


Well-Known Member
Bro ru serious?. You will create a hot spot alright, for police choppers. That foil will make your patch stand out like dogs balls in direct sunlight.


Well-Known Member
Im from the UK and the weather sucks lol i thought about growing outdoors but the weather sucks ass