Tincture with Trim?


Hey guys, i recently harvested my Northern lights plant, and saved the trim( some sugar leaves, stems, and even some tiny buds) and have been storing this in a refrigerator. I was seeing if anyone has any Quick Tincture recipes (less than 1 week) and any experience with using trim for tinctures and such. Im pretty new to this idea!:dunce: Thank you guys in advance:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I'd advise against heating it. Just add your trim/buds to the alcohol Store it in a dark place and shake your mixture daily.

After a few weeks I leave the top open and let some alcohol evaporate...Strain and I'm done.


Thanks for the replys guys. BSL im looking to make a shorter tincture, in terms of sitting. i'e a few days. What ratio of alc to trim do you use


Well-Known Member
No real measurements unless I use buds. I do 1/2oz bud per 1/5th of Vodka.

If I use trim I just throw in as much as I can & still be able to mix/shake things up.

I'd give @ least a week.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replys guys. BSL im looking to make a shorter tincture, in terms of sitting. i'e a few days. What ratio of alc to trim do you use
I think you can heat the mixture up in a crock pot or on an electric stove to speed things along. Should only take a few hours on low.

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
1 week seems to be long enough to desolve the active compounds from the plant material, with 95% pure alcohol anyway.

You just need to shake it quite a bit on a daily basis.

I strain and then heat it in a double boiler to evaporate off some of the alcohol and increase the potency of the tincture.

As long as you don't boil it, you will be fine.

You can use it under your tongue or in a drink.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Exactly How I do it minus the fan...
