Tincture Cannabutter?


Active Member
I was wondering what ya'lls thoughts are on using a tincture to make cannabutter? I currently add a few shots of everclear to my water/butter/hash mix anyways when making cannabutter to aid in breaking down the glands. All the alcohol evaporates out and I belive it may actually help make the butter more potent as others have also suggested. So say I already had a tincture made up with all the good stuff already extracted, as the alcohol evaporated off would the remaining tar be fat soluble? Or would the alcohol extraction change the chemistry of THC into something else that wasnt an oil? Basically trying to turn some everclear tincture into something a bit less rough for people to consume.


Well-Known Member
Theoretically I dont see why it would not work.. the best way to know is to test it.. I am pretty sure you would be able to let the absorbtion of the tinture into the fats of the oil (I just did this but for use in decarboxilyzation (sp?) and then used it for teas and firecrackers.

I am certain it would work in the tinctures as long as you use the correct heating method (I would say let it boil for a good 2-3 mins for about an hour)