Tin Foil or White Paper?


Well-Known Member
Hey gang!

Im new to this game & just got a 450 watt HPS. Ive got a few sprouts growing at the momen under some construction lights and flourescents. With this new HPS light, I want to make a cardboard wall around what Ive got. What is the best material to line the inside of the walls with?

This is in my basement, and a totally open area. I want place cardboard walls around it to reflect light... just need to know with what material!

Any suggestions or tips for this newby would be much appreciated (not just including the walls! anything!) Im hugry for knowledge and ready to learn from the best



Well-Known Member
White paint!

That's all you'd need.

Don't use paper, or tin foil as tin foil causes hot spots which can burn your plant.

If you're growing in a basement buy yourself some wood and build a frame then staple panda film to it, seal any overlaps with Duct tape.


New Member
Panda plastic!!! if ur wanting to put walls around ur grow space. Get some pvc and elbows for the frame and just build a box around ur grow. The even sell clips to attach the plastic to the pvc.. Cheap and easy. just a lil bit of time.

Use a razor blade and a yard stick to cut the plastic on the basement floor..


Well-Known Member
whats your budget like? cuz mylar is really popular too...thats what i have...or some people use those emergency blankets too if their budget doesnt allow for mylar. i got mine at a headshop...25 bucks for a 25 foot roll...but yea...flat white paint will work really well too, tin foil is a big no no...cuz like arrid said...it will cause hot spots that burn your plants...and u want the heat to be evenly distributed throughout the space. also make sure that when you build your grow box/cabinet, that you put a fan in there to blow on the plants...you need good air circulation. and i dont know if it matters too much to you...but u might wanna think about odor control...lol. the plants are gonna stink!!! good luck!