Tin foil, or no?


Active Member
I have one plant growing and I wrapped tin foil around the light and the plant.

Should I not use tin foil because it may burn the plant?

It is about 5 days old and it has been going 24/0 all days. Should I let it go for a night without any light? Or should I continue with 24/0?


Well-Known Member
If your plan is to cook the plant then by all means please rap it in foil if that isn't your plan then i would go with don't do it.

Some people use it and have good luck but it does increase your chances of messin things up, with that said why would you want to roll the dice and possibly mess things up.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Use something flat white. Either paper sheets or wood painted flat white. I read that even gloss white can cause hot spots.


Active Member
I am using an "Underwriters Laboratories Portable Hand Lamp" Fluorescent as my light source. It is one of those yellow lamps that you can hook to anything and it gives off a good amount of light. Is this light a good choice, or will it be too bright?


Well-Known Member
you cant have a light that is too bright you if anything it will be not enought light. Actually I am pretty sure it is not enough light

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Too much light normally can not happen. Now too much HEAT can and that is what you need to look for. What it would take for too much light, unless your running multiple 1000W HPS, don't worry about it...and even then that is still hard to hit too much light but easily too much heat.

Erik Lynden

Active Member
Hey guys I need some help i got a 400watthigh pressure light and i dont know if my plant is done cany adice could be very helpfull I am using 10-15-10 for the last 7 months lol I had BAD light before and it really slowed th eplant down and then I changed the light timescakc to 18-6 and made tha plant top heavy BIG time but its ok with some support atm take a look any adivece would be greatly asppreciated the foto's r on my profille :)


Well-Known Member
as soon as you put you plant on 12/12 let us know and post some pics i am really lookin forward to seein a 30 foot monster


Well-Known Member
I've used it as reflector material. Paint absorbs light and creates too much diffusion for my tastes. Metals are highly specular and direct light like a laser & mirrors would. The beams bounces around the room still bright enough to seen numerous times. Paint doesn't do this at all or nearly as well(glossy paint).

A very important factor is the shape (mostly the angles) of the reflector. A poorly designed metal reflector is worse than a well designed white powder-coat reflector. But given ideal reflectors and ideal paint surface vs metal surface, metal is always more intense.

I'd suggest sheet aluminum. Try to find a coated aluminum with a near-mirror finish(much more durable) used for walls they'd exchange ambient heat with the surroundings. All you have to do for these is wash them with warm deionized water and mild detergent, rinse. Bare aluminum requires polish to remove oxidation.

That's not a grow room, Officer, that's my extra furnace. ;)