Timewreck vs Chernobyl

hi RIU members i been lurkin here for a good while but just joined up for some opinions as to what of the two strains people prefer and why?

im swaying toward chernobyl for the taste and potency but i read that timwreck is more potent...im really after that bloodwreck pheno :eyesmoke:

also how common is the bloodwreck pheno in these? is there a good chance of finding it in one pack? i would imagine its more common in the timewreck as its just bloodwreck x vortex where as chernobyl's a four way cross?

cheers guys!

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
its common enough to find some in a 10 pack. its bloodwreck x vortex= badassery im sure. i hven't grown them but i've grown the parents and their offspring and i doubt subcool could fudge this. its probably a goldmine for phenotypes. i want the bloodwreck pheno and the vortex pheno.


Well-Known Member
I have them both going right now....have never grown either and only smoked Chernobyl....but gotta say....I have smoked the lemon lime pheno and the golden ticket pheno of chernobyl and both are amazing!!! Golden ticket looks like a mexican sativa but slaps you in the face with 25% THC...and have a wonderful earthy smoky flavor..

Yet to try Timewreck...I should go find some today!

Out of 6 Chernobyl seeds I got 5 girls and of those one seems to be a shorter more indica looking bud, where as the other four are very lanky...

Timewreck I got 3 girls of 6 seeds and l looks like I have two distinct phenos...only a few weeks in so will have to get back to you in 6 weeks or so!

Chernobyl - two phenos

- First one is definitely a keeper...thing is totally crystalized just a few weeks in and bud structure totally different...
- Second shot has other pheno in foreground. You can see pheno from first shot in far right corner of this picture....it has a total different bud structure from those in foreground and looks like it is two weeks ahead of the others in crystal formation...but same seed start and flower time...can't wait to see her finish!
CH1.jpgCH All.jpg

Timewreck two phenos...

I thought this first one may be a hermie but looks like it's just a wierd structure!


Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
have not come across any hermaphrodites with chernobyl from about 15 seeds, timewreck should be stable since vortex is usually stable. seems hard to ruin a genetic mesh like that, germing the rest of my timewreck today. 4 in veg 2 weeks, 6 germing atm. i hope to find one good Bloodwreck pheno and one Vortex pheno.


Well-Known Member
If it hermied it was my fault ...there was a little light leak...still finishing room while growing...always a bad idea!