Timer failed to switch lights off - advice needed


My plants have been on 12/12 for 3 weeks, I've got them coming on at 10pm and off at 10am. Anyway came home today at 2.30pm to find the light still on. Timer had failed. Switched them off straight away and they've been off for 5 hours. Question is what do I do now? Should I leave them off for the full 12 hours (meaning I'll have to turn them off at 2.30am) and try to work the schedule back to 10pm/10am over the next few days? Also, will the extended light period do any harm or will they be ok?


Well-Known Member
My plants have been on 12/12 for 3 weeks, I've got them coming on at 10pm and off at 10am. Anyway came home today at 2.30pm to find the light still on. Timer had failed. Switched them off straight away and they've been off for 5 hours. Question is what do I do now? Should I leave them off for the full 12 hours (meaning I'll have to turn them off at 2.30am) and try to work the schedule back to 10pm/10am over the next few days? Also, will the extended light period do any harm or will they be ok?
Not really a big deal. Just put them back on their regular schedule.


Active Member
yup, i agree. a few hours one day is not a problem. just set your timer back where you want it and let them go.

if the choice is between extending the light time or the dark time, i would always go with a longer dark while in flower.


Well-Known Member
first time i fired my 600 up about 45 min it to the grow and i hear a big bang...look outside and the transformer blew with fire coming out of it....elc company comes and resets it...3 days later grow room goes dark...fuck..call elc company and they change transformer.. grow light would come one and then go out as they had line problems.. they fix it and about 2 weeks later power out again...I picked up new timers..digital ones that way if power goes out they will still come on and off normale times


Active Member
first time i fired my 600 up about 45 min it to the grow and i hear a big bang...look outside and the transformer blew with fire coming out of it....elc company comes and resets it...3 days later grow room goes dark...fuck..call elc company and they change transformer.. grow light would come one and then go out as they had line problems.. they fix it and about 2 weeks later power out again...I picked up new timers..digital ones that way if power goes out they will still come on and off normale times
Im having a hard time believing a 600w light took out that transformer, if it really did blow out then there is no resetting it it would need to be replaced and you would of been completely without power. How hot is it where you are? Ive seen transformers blow in the middle of summer when its like 115 out.