timelapse night vision


Active Member
hello RIU.org.

i am using time lapse to record my grow. just switched to 12/12. my question is will using the nightshot "nightvision" option on my camera inturrupt the dark cycle?


Well-Known Member
then it shouldn't mess up the dark cycle. unless the room is already leaking light. wouldn't it be easier to just take the pics when the lights are on? (i don't mean to sound like a dick if it comes off that way.)


Well-Known Member
Technically speaking Nightvision implies the device is using enhanced light detection and/or a wider spectrum. So no it would not interfere with a night cycle; it's simply seeing what the human eye cannot and putting it in a form it can. That being said some cameras do produce a light as it is a cheaper way to be able to record in the dark, this light however is part of the visible spectrum and something one could easily see so that should not be an issue for you.


Well-Known Member
then it shouldn't mess up the dark cycle. unless the room is already leaking light. wouldn't it be easier to just take the pics when the lights are on? (i don't mean to sound like a dick if it comes off that way.)
But it would be nice to see what the plants do at night. They're probably in there passing around a bowl of people.


Well-Known Member
thing is most camera's on the lower consumer end use infrared light hidden behind a piece of plastic. it might effect it dipending out how much it puts out


Active Member
i'm not to sure how much light it puts out. like intensity or wavelength. i know they are just little infrared led's.