Time to Walk the Walk!


Active Member
been busy as heck, thanks sticky, thanks for stopping by. not much to show the plants are still small, but plenty of drama to go with them.


Active Member
after my last post the next morning i found 1 of the plants lying over I thought dead for sure. I think the culprit was that the roots were not far enough down yet to get the moisture from the DWC, I thought they were so i stopped watering from above, my mistake, after i watered again the dead 1 after a few hrs was back to normal


Active Member
So anyways I have always felt that something is not right with these plants yet, so today I found 2 plants seeming pretty crispy, leaves turning up at ends and going brown and crispy.


Active Member
This is my set up so peeps can help diagnose. White widow, DWC, temps around 80, fan assist intake , bigger fan assist room exhaust, 400 mh now at 3ft away for last 2-3 days just to make sure light is not prob. big oscilating fan for circulation, water from tap and left out 24 hrs cause of chlorine, ph'd to give or take 6.


Active Member
I will get pics of plants looking crispy but if any help can come without please chime in. I think prob is humidity which is 55. I think that is why they are dry and too yellow. Im gonna start misting plants and air religiously. I have pics from the past week but thats already history so I will get pics of situation and plants this evening, apreciate it everyone, peace.


Well-Known Member
Bring your water level up to your tap roots. Untill they are longer and you can see roots comming from the net pots the water level must touch the root, it is there even though you can't see it through the hydroton. Also when growing in dwc they (even seedlings) need veg food in real small doses because plain water does not contain nutrients that babies need. I noticed you are using GH products follow the seedling stage feeding chart for hydro growing. Also you MUST pay close attention to your PH, this is crucial for the plants being able to eat and utilize the nutrients. Do you have an air stone in your tubs?


Active Member
Yeh water is being bubbled by air stones, my little ones are sleeping right now, and brasmith thank you I am gonna do what you were saying I think that will hope fully get things moving, I am gonna start very slowly adding nutes for them and will bring water level up higher over the hydrotron instead of at the bottom of the pots. I will be using fox farm nutes the GH you saw was ph solutions. bsmith I go back and forth regularly from the place happy cows come from, and will be staying there full time once I finsh my fun with these white widow ladies. Thanks again, peace...


Active Member
So this is pics from a couple hrs ago. the first is my most well developed but that even has the browning and crisping of leaves at end hope it shows up in pic so you guys can offer help. the other pic is of the least devloped and worst with the problem of the leaf tips.



Active Member
Now how to say this without sounding like a d***. I have posted many questions through this thread and made other threads regarding help with this grow especially about this prob with the plants and their health. Quite a few people have read through and thank you for the help by those that responded. Quite frankly a little disappointed at how people have or have not chimed in to help answer questions or solve probs. Please all step it up this thread in particular was to help me obviously but it will be great help for everyone to see probs encountered and solved. for those checking in please help with my issues with these little ones I am gonna lose them all soon I can see it. The worst one is looking bad and my healthiest is starting to get its leaves eaten away as well, please help me out!


Active Member
If u need more info please ask me. 8 of the 10 have tap roots coming out of net pots now and r getting larger. the other 2 I am giving them help by wetting from above about 4 times through out the 18 hrs the lights are on. temp around 80 and then 74. Started with fox farm grow big only last night at about 550 ppm. I dont think the nutes are a prob because the issue with the leaves has been going on a long time. Lights have been way away for quite a few days but things getting worse so i put 400w mh back to around 2 ft away right now. I am misting maybe 2 x a day. d'you think Im over watering? but when I stopped this last time they dried out and 1 fell over on me. ph around 6. by the time i next check it its around 6.5 - 6.7. Should I check it more often so the ph does not go over 6.3, but hey I cant baby sit them all day long. Dunno what to do, shit, gonna hit the bong, later...


Well-Known Member
So your ph is too high for hydro growing. The ph must be maintained around 5.8 for optimal results. There is no doubt in my mind that it is your ph affecting your plants. Get that ph to 5.8 so your plants can eat the food you are giving them. Once this is evened out they should start growing better. LUCK and keep us posted