Time to transplant?

Can anyone give me some tips about when to transplant my 2 baby headband p's? This is my second time growing and it's been about 10 years...
I also have another strain that just popped out of the 2 peat pellets I sewed the seeds in after they cracked in a cup of water (Afghan Kush Ryder).
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Also, as far as topping goes and or training to make more bushy - should I start that now?

Any comments, suggestions, advice, anything is always much appreciated.

Thanks - BSFL


I'd let them go a little while longer, maybe 2 more weeks before worrying about transplant. Even then you won't need to worry about serious pot-bound problems. If you do end up seeing spinning in the roots at the bottom, just drag a utility knife vertically about 1cm deep along the sides of the soil and you'll be fine.

The little extra time will also allow the plant to grow a bit taller so if you do want to top it, you could top at the first or 2nd node for bigger colas, or the 3rd or later for added bushiness and use the part you topped as a beautiful little clone. Of course you could do it now if you like with no ill effect, I just always like to have a clone on deck.

A lot of people might recommend transplanting sooner, but I've done probably hundreds of solo cups to 1 foot and higher with no ill effects and have never had issues with root binding. The worst thing that happens is that I need to water a little more often.

Good luck!
Thanks for the feedback. I'll let them go a little longer. Question: When you say "If you do end up seeing spinning in the roots at the bottom, just drag a utility knife vertically about 1cm deep along the sides of the soil and you'll be fine."
How will I know this and can you explain a bit further?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback. I'll let them go a little longer. Question: When you say "If you do end up seeing spinning in the roots at the bottom, just drag a utility knife vertically about 1cm deep along the sides of the soil and you'll be fine."
How will I know this and can you explain a bit further?
he means cut the roots at the bottom of the cup so the plants will send out more from the main instead of just groing and wrapping around in the cup

Scarlet 420

New Member
What are the roots doing? If you had a rootball then go for it. I'd be tempted to check the base first. Just make sure the new soil is wetter than those pots. You want the roots to grow outward in search of water. I'd wait til several sets of leaves before topping or LST. Plants need to recover after transplant so hold that idea! :)
Thank you everyone for the advice and comments. Here's some pics! (The ones in peat pellets are Afghan Kush Ryder Feminized and the other 2 are Headband from an unknown source in Cali).

photo 1(5).jpgphoto 2(3).jpgphoto 3(2).jpg
