Time to transplant yet? (PICTURE INCLUDED)


well I have my plants sitting in the green cups you see there, im just wondering when i should mabey transplant them intos something alittle bigger. I have them under a CFL light and they look like they are growing really good, nice and green, no spots on them at all. i just dont know when a good time will be to take my two bigger ones you see there and put them into alittle bigger of a pot.

you guys really dont have to pay attion to my little guys, just the bigger ones, like should i keep them in there for like one more week? or move them up to something alittle bigger? thanks guys =]


Active Member
don't really need to transplant yet, but if you can go for it i found that bigger pots equal faster grow

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i would and put them in deep bury them up to the first set of seed leaves and get more light on those babies


Well-Known Member
You can transplant at any time you wish, but the main thing you have to watch, is overwatering. When you have a tiny plant in a big pot, they don't use much water, so the soil will stay wet for a long time if you aren't careful with the watering. :)