Time to make all drugs legal

Lol. Typical American bravado, how many American flags do you have displayed in your front yard?

Ok, chump, the way America wags its star spangled dick in the world's face, you're bound to get some much deserved criticism.
It was an honest question. I don't know, I've only ever visited Vancouver BC and the people there aren't all jacked up about the US. You are, though, so I'm just asking because I don't want to get the impression all "Canadians" are like you.

But thanks again for coming here to shit on the US. We need it. Without your guidance, we'd never have had Obama for prez.
It was an honest question. I don't know, I've only ever visited Vancouver BC and the people there aren't all jacked up about the US. You are, though, so I'm just asking because I don't want to get the impression all "Canadians" are like you.

But thanks again for coming here to shit on the US. We need it. Without your guidance, we'd never have had Obama for prez.

Lol, is your butt chap creeping into your overly sensitive vagina?
You aren't very good at reading people, are you?

You aren't very good at reading people, are you?

lulz at the double post. This is the true characteristic of a calm person.

It's OK. I get that little people have trouble keeping their cool, I had a good friend like that. We got so that we'd just hustle him out the bar when he got agitated. After a while, we didn't invite him to go with us.

Thanks again for shitting on the US. Without you, we'd never progress.
lulz at the double post. This is the true characteristic of a calm person.

It's OK. I get that little people have trouble keeping their cool, I had a good friend like that. We got so that we'd just hustle him out the bar when he got agitated. After a while, we didn't invite him to go with us.

Thanks again for shitting on the US. Without you, we'd never progress.

Cool story, you sound like a real stand up guy.

America doesn't need me to not progress, you're doing great all on your own.
Well, I don’t like people on the net like you who decide for the rest that you need to be whatever the fck you believe yourself to be, and not let a post stand for itself and bring shit from other threads. Politic forum I guess you have claimed as your own cess pool? Thanks fog, you’ve done a great job.
Well, I don’t like people on the net like you who decide for the rest that you need to be whatever the fck you believe yourself to be, and not let a post stand for itself and bring shit from other threads. Politic forum I guess you have claimed as your own cess pool? Thanks fog, you’ve done a great job.
What's your problem? I mean we agree about the harm that the drug war causes. I simply corrected your statement that it was always about corruption. I posted an article that, clearly showed the historical record. Nixon's reason for starting the whole damn thing was because his support was eroding and he used a scapegoat in Leary and cannabis to attract voters back to him. Okay, yes, it made you look like a fool but what you said is on you, not me.

Yes, you are always wrong on just about everything. Just like Burt, I'm trying to help by shitting on you. OK? Jeez, relax. It's as if you are jonesing because you haven't been able to evict anybody in the last week because CA has ordered a moratorium on evictions. What? You can't threaten eviction unless some target of yours sucks your dick? Maybe you should try taking a shower and making yourself somewhat presentable.
bring shit from other threads. Politic forum I guess you have claimed as your own cess pool?
Legalizing all drugs is not about legalizing drugs, it's about shifting the way we deal with addiction from a criminal problem to a social/health problem. Using prison as a social safety net for addiction and mental illness doesn't work, it's dehumanizing and costly for both the addict and society.

Legalizing all drugs also provides people with a safe alternative to street drugs that are cut and stomped on with who knows what, and are measured in "doses" which saves lives.

Here's my problem with you Fog, other than my own interactions with you which makes me think you're a dick. So I don't know this guy, first post I have ever seen from him. Instead of letting this post speak for itself you start immediately talking shit to him. It's a very selfish thing that assholes on forums do. That's my problem with you in this thread fog. And from what I've seen, you pretty much do it in any thread you're in.
Victims like Sandra bland, George Floyd, Micheal brown and philandro castro were targeted because of the color of their skin not because of "drugs".

Are you dumb, or just stupid?
Justin I don't believe for a second that you don't understand but Trump was elected, so obviously a lot of people just don't understand so who knows.

Drug war isn't about Drugs Justin, it's about putting brown people in jail. It's just an excuse to target brown people.
So glad to see you are here to dish shit on the US. After all, we are nothing more than dumbasses who need a Canadian to explain our politics to us. After all, your country is pure, except for the widespread racism, the dependence on fossil fuels, the puny economy that just tanked due to that dependence and your country's current drift to the political right. I mean, if it weren't for the US, Canada might have to examine itself.

So, do go on, dumping shit on us here. We couldn't figure out what's wrong without your tough love.

You know, all of a sudden you and a few other so-called "Canadians" showed up during the Democratic Primary to, why were you here? To bloviate endlessly about a primary you have nothing to do with? Like, all at once we were flooded with "Canadians" who kept posting divisive shit. Must be a coincidence. Although, I generally don't believe coincidences are all that common. Usually there is a reason and they are not random.

@Budley Doright I'm not talking about you, just some other "Canadians" who constantly shit on the US in a manner that is reminiscent of what has become known as "Russian Trolls".
Thanks fog, the line that separates me and you is pretty thin (crossed it every few weeks before the “unfortunate incident” ;).....), it doesn’t define the people. I am truly horrified with what is happening down there right now. What does it take to stop the racism, there and here? Talking doesn’t seem to work, that’s been tried for a long fucking time. My heart goes out to everyone in the struggle that’s taking place down there.
Justin I don't believe for a second that you don't understand but Trump was elected, so obviously a lot of people just don't understand so who knows.

Drug war isn't about Drugs Justin, it's about putting brown people in jail. It's just an excuse to target brown people.
"If we end the drug war racist cops will quit murdering minorities, derh"