time to harvest or not yet?? pictures


Well-Known Member
Well it kinda depends on what your looking for as far as a buzz. If you pick now it'll pry be more heady if you pick in a week it will be more head and body. I saw a couple of amber trichs in there so your close! If it was me I'd wait for a week then chop. What week of flower are you in? That's just a suggestion too some may disagree, but once you get the look down of what a mature plant looks like you won't need to ask anymore. You'll just be able to tell by the plant and how it looks. When I first started I had to ask my dad all the time does this look finished? Once I saw enough finished plants it was like oh this is what I need to see. Instead of like, is it done yet?


Well-Known Member
Nothing to lose by waiting 48 hours. Just keep your eye on whether it looks the same (as these pics) or has developed more sugary trichs. If it doesn't, then you could pull without leaving too much on the table
im not in a hurry but i would love to try this on X-mas ! hehe if not at least for new year ....all depending on the mayas!
If you want a heady high, don't cut your Indica prematurely, grow a Sativa.
If these were mine, it's hard to tell just from the shots. It looks like you still have fresh pistils and most of your amber ones don't look like they've receded. I'd probably go at least another 10-14 days for full "ripeness".


Well-Known Member
i would assume those are the top colas? i would say 9-14 days to let the pistils recede and swell up a bit.
i would assume those are the top colas? i would say 9-14 days to let the pistils recede and swell up a bit.
yes its the top cola! 7 to 14 days...seed seller say 55-60 days seed to harvest! it dont matter to go 7 more days ?? cause i am day 59 now so 7 more days put me 6 day over....
yes its the top cola! 7 to 14 days...seed seller say 55-60 days seed to harvest! it dont matter to go 7 more days ?? cause i am day 59 now so 7 more days put me 6 day over....
It's probably going to be a little longer then 7 days. 55-60 days is the breeder estimate, times vary from seed to seed and are also affected by grow environment. Don't be surprised if it takes 75 even 80 days.
Great close ups but from what I can tell they look like the buds can still pop out more calxys, get more yield, and typically I wait till the hairs are about 70% orange (or purple or gold depends on the strain) . But they guys here are right you have nothing to lose by waiting another 7 days, I know it's tough when your salivating at the thought of smoking before xmas, but not to burst your bubble you'd still be looking at at least 1-2 weeks of drying and curing. Depends what you want in the end.
oh...by the way! anyone have experience with autos....cause i got them 18/6 for the light cycle..so from start to end...but i wonder now...shouldi finish them at 12/12 or i just keep the same way it is now! i read lot of different opinion.curious to see what u guys think about that!


Misguided Angel
oh...by the way! anyone have experience with autos....cause i got them 18/6 for the light cycle..so from start to end...but i wonder now...shouldi finish them at 12/12 or i just keep the same way it is now! i read lot of different opinion.curious to see what u guys think about that!
The more light you can give auto's the better your results will be.