Time to harvest?? (Lots of Pics)

LOL yea thanks for all the input guys.. Got the answer I was looking for... Stick around I'll bug yall with updated pics in a few more weeks... And just a FYI.. These plants where grown inches from the cfls from day 1 and I must say that the colas on all 3 girls are fat and tight...


Well-Known Member
i heard plants like to have crack sprinkled on them too.

this is more of a experimental technique, but I know of people that intentionally stress their plants at the end of flowering to induce heavier coating of resin, and quicker preparation for "death". However, i suggest you only do this if you're short for time, as I don't think anything artificially induced like this would help overall potency. By intentionally stress, i mean like, kick the bucket a few times, fuck around with the branches. Obviously nothing that would break anything on the plant. Just medium stress training if you will. :P

And the crack was a joke, in case ya'll are up in arms.


Active Member
and i tried the crack thing, they did not gain any weight, and i caught one blowing the other, for a hookup on thc.